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MY name is val, Stage 111B


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Hello, my name is Val. I was diagnosed oct 2006 with stage 111B NSCLC. I had 700 ml of plueral fluid draided from my left lung with was positive for cancer. I have basically been in treatment since. They tell me I am inoperable and incurable, BUT, I my disease is manageable. I have 2 children, 16 and 9, they are my inspiration. I seaparated from my husband shortly after I was diagnosed. He was not emotionally able to deal. Any advice or comments are welcome. I am looking forward to meeting you.

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Welcome Val. Glad you found us and I hope we can provide some encouragement, etc. The first good news is that you are a 14 month survivor. It sounds as though you've had a tough time since your diagnosis. I'm sorry about that. Have you had radiation? chemo? what "poisons" were used. How are you feeling now?

Glad you joined us.


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Hi, Val, welcome to the group! You've certainly come to the right place for information, support, specific coping tips, and even venting when needed. We are not judgmental, and there are no dumb questions.

You have exactly the right idea about managing the disease as a chronic condition and not being dismayed over the inoperable, incurable part. In fact, I wrote a rather personal item titled "Thoughts on incurable, inoperable" in September 2006, shortly after my IIIB diagnosis. You might find it of interest:

http://lchelp.org/l_community/viewtopic ... highlight=

Please give us as much detail as you can so we can tailor our responses specifically for you. We have a vast number of been there, done that folks in the LCSC covering the gamut of lung cancer subtypes and treatments. To save yourself a lot of extra typing every time you post, you can put the details in a "profile" of symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, test results, etc. like you see at the bottom of our messages. Here's how:

Click on My Profile above, scroll down to the Signature block, enter/update your information, scroll down further, ensure Always attach my signature is marked Yes, and click Submit at the very bottom.

My best wishes and Aloha,


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welcome val. You'll finds tons of support and advice here. So many caring people as well. Just have to keep up with the treatments and keep battling. Let you kids be your focus through all of this. Many prayers for you and your family.

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Welcome Val.

I hope your treatment and management of your disease is successful for years to come.

My wife and I were legally separated at the time of my diagnosis. We still live in separate residences, but we have never divorced and have become much closer. She has been a great support for me.

I hope your husband remains in contact and can support you a bit. Perhaps he could go to a few consultations with you. Living in separate residences may help him not think about it all the time.

Now that my wife and I have separate houses, I think we both like it that way. I see her several times a week.

Don M

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Welcome to this site Val. You have come to a wonderful and caring site, one which has helped my wife and I get through this past few months. I am one of the fortunate ones in that my cancer was caught at early stage 1a and I am doing quite well. Not certain that without the thoughts and prayers of everyone at this site that Inez and I would come through this as well as we have. We shall always be grateful. Please stay with this group and you will experience the same feeling. As difficult as it seems, please do not give up, keep positive, keep fighting.

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Hi Val-

I am glad you found our online family. My husband was also stage IIIb and we also have 16 and 9 year old daughters, and a son 20. I am sorry you and your husband have separated. I hope you have another support system to help you. Let us know more about you.


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I also want to welcome you here Val.

We are here for support, information, prayers or if you just need to vent.

Let us know what treatments you are having how you are progressing.

We are always here for you...


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Val: You are the first person I've encountered who sounds like she has a situation similar to mine. When you had the effusion and they found cancer cells in the fluid, was it identified. Mine was adenocarcinoma. Also, did they find a tumor? If not, how did they explain the fluid. They have scanned me head to toe and have not found a primary tumor which they say usually triggers the effusion. I'm inoperable as well and am doing a three cocktail chemo treatment. How about you. I have not asked the "cureable" question but it seems now like I don't want to hear the answer. Not the managing the cancer isn't better than the alternative. I'm really interested in continue to talk with you.

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