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I am so excited


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and I am an excitable gal! In mid February I received results after CT scan on results of my 1st line chemo radiation treatment. And the news then was that my response was "excellent" and "that I could possibly have had a complete positive response". Well I of course was thrilled by that and now....

I had another CT scan this week, as part of establishing a baseline for a critical trial I am wanting to get on. So, I of course have been a little anxious about those results but was thinking things couldn't have changed that much.

Well my GP who gets copied on results called me tonight (way after his normal working hours) and told me he "wanted to thank me for the gift I had given to him and his staff in his office". I said thank you but what gift would he be referring to. He said he had written report from my CT scan this week and it is even more positive than the last. He read it to me and I am pretty sure he said the words "no evidence" several times. And that he can't quite believe it either, quite remarkable he said.

I think I am now starting to really believe it. I am a conservative accountant by profession so have been holding out on really absorbing even my previous great news. But WOW I am excited now. I now don't have to be a bit nervous going to see medical oncologist next week...I will just tell her the good news first!

I cannot believe that I have been so blessed and do not know why I have been chosen to be so lucky. But I'll take it. I am going dancing tonight and hope I don't step on any one's toes in my excitement. And then I will be having a nice glass of wine at the pub. (Now that I have figured out this virtual pub thing).

Thank you all for listening, I do go on.

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SANDRA -------


Geez - do you know it seemed like forever getting from your email to this thread??? Couldn't get here fast enough!!! My hands were shaking!!! :lol:

I am so happy for you!!! I will be at the Pub immediately and we can drink til Kasey throws us out!!!

You deserve this so much - you are a great person with a wonderful family and I am just about ready to burst for you. Just sit back and relax and let the good news sink in. Sure do hope a lot of the new members read this - you are an inspiration!!!!

I will email you later!!!

Congrats again - Patti B.

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Sandra: Congratulations! Who wouldn't be over the top. What a gift to you, your doctor and his staff, and a gift of hope to all of us who have received the dreaded IIIb dx!

Oh, and thanks for giving some of us who don't know a cue about the "virtual pub."

Judy in Key West

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