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my father

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Guest JasonChang

My father passed away this morning at the hospital. This news comes as a shock as he was only originally in the hospital to repair a fracture in his femur. He did in fact have recurrent sclc with mets, but was stable for one month with third line treatment of taxol and carbo platin. During his whole battle he never had a problem with his right lung, until two days ago. His pleural cavity on his right side also begin filling with liquid. It was getting harder and harder for him to breathe, and that's when the doctors found some more nodules in that lung on an xray. During his whol hospital stay, he also had an increased blood sugar level. I'm not sure if this had anything to do with it, but that was a concern of mine. I know he's in heaven watching down on us, and I am just so happy that he doesn't have to suffer here on earth anymore.

Sorry I havent been keeping the board updated on his progress but things have just happened soooooo fast.

THank You,



Very sorry for the loss of your father. My condolences to you and your family. Peace, take care and God Bless.



The Power Of People Helping People / The Power Of Knowledge / The Power Of God / The Power Of Believing / The Power Of Positive Thinking / The Power Of Never Taking No For An Answer / That’s The Key


http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 08,00.html (Questions To Ask The Doctor About Lung Cancer)

http://www.alcase.org/education/publica ... reath.html (With Every Breath A Lung Cancer Guidebook / From ALCASE / A Wealth Of Information / Free)

http://www.cancersurvivaltoolbox.org (The Cancer Survival Toolbox / Free / From NCCS)

http://www.centerwatch.com (Clinical Trails Listing Service / Center Watch)

http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&editi ... ung+cancer (Lung Cancer In The News)

http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/pro ... /guide.asp (The Wellness Community / National Cancer Support, Education And Support / Free)

http://www.drugs.com (Drug Information Online)

http://www.alcase.org (ALCASE / Alliance For Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, Education)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov (Unites States / National Library Of Medicine)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/encyclopedia.html (Health Information / Medical Encyclopedia)

http://www.google.com (Great Search Engine)

http://blochcancer.org (R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc. / Please read: A Letter to all newly diagnosed cancer patients)

http://www.cancer.org (American Cancer Society)

http://www.cancer.gov (Cancer Information Service / NCI)

http://www.cancerresearchcenter.org (Cancer Research Center)

http://www.aicr.org (American Institute for Cancer Research; Nutrition Hotline / AICR)

http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org (Cancer Hope Network)

http://www.acor.org (Association of Cancer Online Resources / Free Online Lifeline For Everyone Affected By Cancer & Related Disorders)

http://www.meds.com/lung/lunginfo.html (Lung Cancer Information Library)

http://www.lungusa.org (American Lung Association)

http://www.ama-assn.org (American Medical Association)

http://www.docguide.com/news/content.ns ... g%20Cancer (Doctor’s Guide / Lung Cancer)

http://www.healthfinder.gov/Scripts/Sea ... ?topic=506 (Healthfinder)

http://www.medicinenet.com/Lung_Cancer/article.htm (Medicine Net)

http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks2l.htm (Cancer Index / Lung Cancer Resources Directory)

http://www.nfcr.org/site/PageServer?pag ... ncers_lung (National Foundation For Cancer Research)

http://www.patientadvocate.org (Patient Advocate Foundation)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/effects ... fects.html (Lung Cancer Online / Hematologic (Blood) Effects)

http://www.cancerlinks.org/lung.html (Lung Cancer Links)

http://www.cancer-free.com (Cancer Free Connections)

http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/C ... ung_cancer (Health Insite)

http://www.lungcancerclaims.com (Lung Cancer / Lung Cancer Information Page)

http://www.cancerlifecenter.com/engine. ... =dictionar (Cancer Life Center/ Cancer Dictionary)

http://www.canceryellowpages.com/Resour ... G%20CANCER (Cancer yellow Pages)

http://icare.org (ICARE / The International Cancer Alliance)

http://www.vh.org/index.html (Virtual Hospital)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/support/financial.html (Lung Cancer Online / Financial, Legal & Insurance Issues)http://cancernews.healthology.com/focus_index.asp?b=cancernews (Cancer News)


If I Could Catch a Rainbow:

If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it just for you, And share with you its beauty, On the days you’re feeling blue. If I could build a mountain, You call your very own, A place to find serenity, A place to be alone. If I could take your troubles, I would toss them in the sea, But all these things I’m finding, Are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain, Or catch a rainbow fair, But let me be what I know best A friend that’s always there. Author Unknown




My deepest sympathies on the passing of your father.

your statement:

"I am just so happy that he doesn't have to suffer here on earth anymore. "

shows just how much you loved him. What a selfless love, that you wish your father peace regardless of the pain it bears you.

You are right, he is in a better place now, but I am sure that from his view in heaven he can still share and feel the love between his family and himself.

I will pray for you and your family that the pain of your loss be soon replaced with warm fond memories of a life lived filled with love.

God Bless,



Jason, sorry for things happened so quickly and suddenly. I am glad that your dad didn't suffer too much and now he is in eternal peace. Take care and may God comfort you and your family.

Guest JasonChang

Thank you all for your words of encouragement, It really means a lot.


My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. May you find peace knowing that your Father is now in Heaven and will be your angel to help you through this difficult time. God Bless you and keep you.

Beth Ann


Jason...So sorry to hear of your Dad's passing. Hope you will find some comfort in knowing so many people here care for you and are keeping you and your family in their prayers.

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