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Time for Surgery!


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Hello everyone,

My surgeon just called me this morning. I finally have the date for my surgery.

Pre-op assessment will be this Thursday, Feb.4th and my surgery is booked for this Monday, Feb. the 8th.

I'm so excited. A little anxious, but feel very blessed to have it this soon.

Please keep me in your prayers. I will not be having VATS so I should be in there for about a week.

Sincerely, Melanie

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Am glad to hear that this is happening soon... not only do you want to get that thing out but it gives you less 'waiting' time!

Someone told me once that having surgery feels like an entire fleet of trucks hit you, but every day after that there is one less truck!!! That sounds extreme, I know, but the analogy really helped me- if I felt bad, I knew the next day I would feel one truck better. And you know what? I always did- sometimes 2 trucks better!! :D

Like I said before, I am the worst chicken in the world but the recovery wasn't as bad as I imagined. Keep hitting the pain meds!!

I am wishing you tons of luck but I don't even think you need it -You are going to totally kick a**!!!

Will be thinking of you - have someone post how you are doing, okay?

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I'm really glad you will be having your surgery so soon.

I had surgery just a couple weeks after Debi in June 2003. Then I did it again 18 mo. later. Altho. my experiences with the two surgeries weren't identical, they were pretty similar. Most important, pain meds help alot. You need to take them before the pain starts for them to be most effective. Don't hold back until you just can't bear the pain anymore. You'll feel better and recover faster with the pain controlled. The breathing exercises are important. The staff who encourage you to do them may be annoying, but try to put up with them.

Best wishes for a great outcome. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you after you get home.


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I posted this ages ago, and I don't remember who posted about the fleet of trucks, but it really is a good descriptor. Find the humor in the situation, no matter how bad you hurt, there is humor. For example, after having this extensive surgery, spending the night in cardiac ICU "just in case", I was wheeled to my room in an ancient wheelchair that lost a big wheel when we turned into the door of the room. I didn't fall, happened to have a burly male nurse who supported the chair while someone else fixed the "flat", but it was funny and had I not been catheterized, I may have peed...

http://lungevity.org/l_community/viewto ... hlight=abc

Good luck to you!

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I never had surgery so I cannot relate to that or give you any advice on it but I do know that your outlook is wonderful and I know you will come through none the worse for wear. Keep up that positive attitude - you will learn how important that is.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Hugs - Patti B.

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I'm wishing you all the best on your surgery. Someone else said to use the pain medications before you hurt too bad and they are absolutely right. My surgeon told me that you recover much faster when you don't have the pain so I listened to him. And like someone else said - the breathing exercises are important. Good luck and can't wait to hear from you afterwards.


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Melanie - so glad you have a date and can get on with getting it out! I know you will do just fine, but the pre-surgery jitters are totally to be expected. If you want I can send you my e-mail via pm and if you have a family member let me know, I can let everyone else know how things are going for you. If you'd prefer not, that is totally understandable too.

Wishing you the best and keeping you firmly in my prayers!



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Wishing you the best when you go into surgery and as you begin recovery. Once I got home I would take the Alleve over the counter pain pills because the prescription pain pills made me loopy and constipated. The trick was to learn to take them before the pain set in and you are okay. Be patient with yourself because each day does get better.



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New word, sports bra - in a month or two. Right now, roll a towel into a tube and put a "shelf" under the girls, a bra will about freakin' kill you, I promise... It took almost a year before I could wear underwires again, and they still can get in that tender rib space and bring me to tears...terrible to be beaten up by your undergarments!

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You all are the best!!

Let me see here... Everyday look forward to one less truck, pillow for cough/sneeze/car rides, pain meds before pain gets bad, breathing exercises, and sports bra! Hahaha, you guys are a hoot, but thank you sooo much for all of your helpful tips at how to get through this smoothly!! I look forward to using all of these tips, and thinking of all of your support!!

Love, Melanie

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I'm not so sure about even the sports bra for a good long while - I had VATS and even though I tried doing the bra thing I am back to teeshirts under regular shirts. Recover at your own pace - and look back on "yesterday" and you will say "wow - I really do feel better today". Most importantly we are all there with you in spirit and support.


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So more stuff for your list! A good stool softner, you don't even want to get constipated when you get home!

MOST IMPORTANT!! Make sure you are having bowel movements in the hospital if you are raise heck! Very dangerous!

Oh yes, the gave me a pain killer button, so before you try and move hit the button then give yourself about 10 minutes! Yeee Haw!

If you get scared let us know, we are right here for you. You really are going to do great you have everything on your side, plus tons of good wishes and prayers!



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