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Hello everyone,

I was recently diagnosed, 12/24,with adenocarcinoma of right lung that has metasized to brain.I have 3 tumors in right side of brain.I start a 3 week whole brain radiation treatment program later today.Had a mask made yesterday.I just wanted to sign up and read some stuff and will share as things move on.All this happened so suddenly that I am still in shock but thank God I am not in pain as of yet.Still have my apetite and hope and faith and doing a whole lot of praying.I wish you all the very best.

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Welcome to the best place you could have found. I hate it that you have to be here but you will learn quickly what a wonder supportive group of people you have stumbled on. As for your fight sounds like you have most of the weapons you will need. Hold on to them and don't let anyone take them away from you.

Just remember Hope, Faith, Love and Prayer are stronger than cancer or anyone you will ever meet. Those are the things you need to focus on. Just stay in charge and always demand that you have the final say make sure you not only hear what the doctor has to say but read test results yourself. That will give you more amunition to add to the great arsenal you have already.


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Hi Tbone,

Welcome, I too am sorry you have to be here. There is so much kindness and support here as well as information and experience. There is usually someone here that is in your same situation and can help you along the way. You have the right attitude, hope and faith, never give that up. God Bless...

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Hi T-Bone,

My husband Buddy had whole head radiation. He has 10 treatments and those 10 got rid of those nasty tumors. He to had three mets to the brain. He had a brain scan yesterday and it is still showing NED up there.

Know yours will be successful too.

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I am glad you are not in pain. Hope and faith will carry you far too. I have very little experience in the treatment realm having only had srugeries and Iressa, however, collectively this group has tried almost everything. I wish you the best on your radiation. Keep us posted.


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Tbone (and I, also, realy like that handle! :)),

I'm sorry you had to seek us out, but REALY glad you found us. As you've already seen from Norme's post, no matter what your going through with this disease you'll find someone here who's "been there, done that" and KNOWS exactly what your talking about.

You've just stepped on to one of the rockiest paths I can concieve of. But it is, unfortunately a well worn path and, if you choose, there will always be somebody here to walk a bit with you.

Good luck on the treatments!


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Hello Tbone;

A big welcome to ya and so glad you found us!!! :) Know one should have to go through this disease alone and thank God we do not!!

I'm also starting WBR, 2 mets. showed up after 2 and 1/2 years of being cancer free. I begin tomorrow and go for 4 weeks, we'll have to keep one another posted on our progress.

My best to ya, and again welcome.

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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I'm T-Bone's baby sister (and y'all will probably hear from some of the other four siblings - but I'm his favorite!) :lol: I'm so very glad he found this site and introduced us to it . . . already today, you've been a wealth of information and encouragement. He failed to mention that we lost our Daddy to lung cancer almost 30 years ago, so this isn't the first time we've dealt with this oh-so-horrible-I-just-want-to-hit-somebody-or-at-least-scream situation. But we've got each other, love, faith, and hope, and now y'all. So we're ready for this darn battle! I loved the fact that bobmc named his brain tumors Frick and Frack . . . we'll all be together this weekend and just HAVE to name T-Bone's as well. Thanks for being there for my wonderful big brother . . . and me!

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Welcome, TBone, TeeTaa and any other siblings that may choose to join us!

This is all a little less frightening when you can "talk" to people who are going thru the same thing. Especially when we say "oh yeah, I had that done xxxxx long ago!" People CAN and DO survive this!

Come talk any time.........

Hugs and prayers,


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Hi, Y'all;

I'm Teacake, TBone's immediately younger sister. And I claim giving him his nickname. He's allergic to fish and whenever Daddy's company had a fish fry, Terry would get steak so I just started calling him that. Never could convince anybody I was allergic to fish, too.

Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support. We are a very close family but it always helps to get input from others. You're all officially members of our family now. Welcome, we'll cook up some gumbo soon.


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