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2 Years, 4 months Post Lobectomy


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Two years and four month ago, at 42 years old, I had an upper right lobe lobectomy to remove a 10 mm lung nodule. The procedure was a wedge resection to determine if it was cancer. It was deemed None Small Cell Adenocarcinoma and my right upper lobe was removed via VATS. I did not have any treatment following my surgery. I just had my two year (and four months thanks to COVID) follow up and I am still NED.  I am now in once a year surveillance instead of bi-annual. I’m a little nervous about only getting checked once a year but I’m going to trust the doctors and believe that once a year is enough.   

When I found out I had a lung nodule I was petrified. The idea of surgery and removing a part of my lung was unimaginable.  I had a wife and three young kids. I couldn’t imagine how it would change (or end) my life and their world. With the exception of some rib muscle cramps, itchy scars and occasional bouts of panic that it might come back my life has not changed much.  

I know that many are battling tougher prognosis.  I know that many have much more aggressive treatment plans.  I know that I was lucky to have caught it so early and to have had surgery available to me as a treatment option.  I decided to go ahead and post this because I know that positive news is hard to come by with this disease. I read everything I could on these boards and others when I first heard the word lung nodule. The information on the internet is so demoralizing and scary. Finding the people on this board who were surviving, hearing the acronym NED for the first time, learning that people do live long term with this disease gave me much needed encouragement.  Learning that people actually do beat this disease gave me the courage to follow through and get the surgery I needed. I hope this post provides the same for anyone looking for answers and hope.  

Stay strong!

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Awesome! Thanks for posting, Curt. Others do need to hear stories of good outcomes. I am also NED even though my Stage 3b adenocarcinoma was inoperable. Congratulations! 

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CURT!!! I remember your first post so well- I’m listening to the radio & Chicago’s “Stronger Everyday” is playing right now!  That’s you my friend.   Yes, there is life after cancer (and COVID).  I’m thrilled about the NED results!  I know you are breathing a sigh a relief and it will take a few days to settle back into the life groove.  In the meantime, I hope you are surviving baseball practice with the boys!   Great to hear from you.  Michelle 

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A well-written post, thanks for sharing it.  As a group we have so many things in common, but each story is also different in many ways.  I know that your story (along with some others) got me through my darkest days in this journey and I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't shared it.  So glad to hear you remain NED and I pray will will for many years to come.

it's good to hear from you again.


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Curt. Thank YOU! Stories like yours gives guys like me a very important boast in our confidence.

Thanks for sharing. Keep on sharing and, gosh darn it, congrats on being NED



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