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My mom passed away...

Deanna M.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. As I began to read your post I could see your mom's face even before I scrolled down far enough to see the photo of her and your daughter. These photos will help you to remember the good times. I pray that you and your family with feel the strength and love of our Savior during this most difficult time and in the months to come.


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I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. May God give you and your family confort during this difficult time. You were a wonderful daughter to be with her when she passed. I, too, was with my dad and he was ready to go as well. It's tough to see them go, but we know they're in a better place. Can't believe my dad's been gone almost a month. It still feels like a dream and that he's just gone for "awhile". I truly believe the incredible inner peace I have is God's way of helping us. I hope you can find the same peace. Sounds like you were a great support to your mom during her battle. God Bless!

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My heartfelt sympathies go out to you on the loss of your dear Mother. I always looked for your postings, she was such an inspiration to me. I know she is in a better place now, without pain but I know that this is the most difficult time for you that none of us can even imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God give you the strength to get through this.

Bess B

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I know I'm a little late in replying to your post but just now realized your mom passed away and wanted to give my condolences. You were one of the first faces I remember seeing when I first came in May 2003 when my mother was diagnosed. She passed away December 13th. It is so sad.

Take care,


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I was so happy to see your picture in the response to my father-in- law concerns....but then I kept reading and my heart sank. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Mom. I just feel awful for you and your family. I would pm you as we too are neighbors but these days I cannot log in.If you need someone to talk to you can email me Poquott@aol.com.

Hang in there,


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