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I Cannot Believe This.....

Fay A.

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Dear Fay ---so very sorry for what you had to go through---how insensitive--and negligent for not sending it out for testing--

although I do confess, before LC , I too thought it was a death sentence---I have since learned otherwise---however, many, many people out there are still ignorant--including people in the medical field that know zilch about lung cancer--

-you should write a letter to him----explaining your feelings---I hope it will make you feel better and perhaps make him more sensitive--

best wishes to you

hope you feel better soon

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I hope you are feeling better today and some of the frustration has been vented.

Have you EVER thought of writing a book on your adventures? I'm sure that you could publish short stories based on memories (something I have toyed with) of your life travels...

I enjoy your insight and multi-faceted viewpoint. You are one to be admired, so wise and inclined to share.

Take care, my friend.



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My dear friend Fay,

So very sorry this happened to you yesterday. It is something that cannot be changed so one must move on and pray for the best, after,............ a very long letter to the doctor as Peggy suggested.

To bad you don't have the title Lawyer under your signature.

Just a last minute thought, get your medical record on this to show no biospy was done for any possible future problem......Also record in writing your conversation as close as you can to what was actually said....and keep a copy of your letter you will send to him with that statement in it......

Now, has a glass of wine or watch for a bobcat in the back yard......anything to ease the mind.

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Of all people, you especially didn't need this from him!

Even doctors are ignorant sometimes.

I hope the tumor WAS benign, and you have no more unknowns

to deal with.

As this column has said again and again, if love were an antidote,

you would be well by now,

Don't let the bastids get to ya.



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Fay I am so sorry you had to deal with this yesterday. I am hoping today is a better day, and that you woke up today knowing that there are over 1000 people here who love and support you and are on your side.

I agree that this doctor needs to be confronted. His comment was wrong on so many levels it is hard to know where to being. I mean to say that it doesn't matter because you have LC????... WHAT???!!! If anything, it matters MORE because you are fighting LC!!!

I think for yourself and for his growth, he needs to know the truth about LC and how the decisions he made affected you and might have affected your battle strategy. He needs to know these things before he hurts another person out there.

You have always been very eloquant and tactful. I have no doubt that you will be able to do this without debate and with full impact. Whether you choose to write a letter to talk in person, I think your feelings need to be told. Possibly include this string with whatever you do and give the doc this site address so he can begin to understand that we are real people with real feelings and who are fighting with incredible courage and grace and we ALL deserve Better than he gave.


Love you Fay


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Guest Phyllis

I am sorry about your eye doctor. All of my primary physicians are aware of my disease, and I think are pretty on top of any changes. My dentist also had cancer so I think it helps to have educated doctors.

When I developed a protusion on my throat recently, I went straight to my throat surgeon with the radiologist report. He took a look inside my throat, but he was not overly concerned even though I have throat cancer. He just said wait until the chemo over and maybe I will do a biopsy. Maybe your eye doctor is in his own mind 99% sure that it is just a cyst that needs to be kept an eye on. I also wrote the doctors that I am trying to get the rfa from and let them know my throat surgeon said this new development was not anything he was worried about. Sorry, I don't know if any of that will help.

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I also agree you should write him a letter. As everyone else said you don't need this incompetence on top of everything else you're going through.

We have to get the word out that lung cancer is not always a death sentence. Even if some one is at stage IV their life is definitely worth living. I'm so mad I can't stand it. :evil::evil::evil: The doctors have to learn to treat lung cancer patients as human beings instead of someone waiting to die!!!!!



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Dear Fay-

The thing that got to me most in your post was that you were crying :cry: . My heart twisted and my throat choked up because I knew you were experiencing the depths if you were teary. I'm so sorry for the doctor's ineptness and for your pain. This is a classic case of why we should ALL be taking tape recorders with us to all our appointments...especially if we are going alone. Do I do this??? No, but I see that I should.

Others' advice about a letter sounds appropriate.

Hope you are coping OK today, friend. Wish there were something I could REALLY do for you. :(

Love you lots.

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I am so sorry that you have to endure such ignorance on your dr's. part. You don't deserve that, no one does! I feel your anger, I really do. I wish I was there, where you live, because I would march myself right into that dr.'s office and give him a piece of my mind. What utter, utter lack of respect and integrity on his part. What the HECK does he mean, he forgot to send the tumor to pathology???? Every dr. should know that ANY TIME something that obviously doesn't belong there and resembles a tumor is removed from a persons body it is sent off to pathology to see if it is cancerous or not! Please Fay, please don't cry. I understand your frustration, but I just know that you will come out of this OK and that you will turn this horribly negative situation into something positive. Please stay strong, Fay. We are all here on your side. I wish there was something more I could do.

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Fay, I don't know what to say. Incompetent is right. No one should have to have a day like you had yesterday. I would have cried as well and hope you do write to him and tell him that and why you cried. I have never met a doctor that would not send anything he took off or out to the lab to be tested. Heck....they even sent my husbands gallstones. I am so sorry you were treated this way....I think highly of you Fay and send my love and prayers that you have a better day tomorrow and from now on. We are all fighting for our lives and all of this is d*mn important to us. ((((((((Fay)))))))) .


aka Nushka

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Geoff just came in and told me about your post. We are both so sorry and upset.

After having my blood pressure go through the roof, and reading the string of responses, I think Peggy hit the nail on the head. And make sure that both you and he keep a close watch on the area.

My gosh--I am so sorry we are on the other coast and unable to help you by physically BEING there when you go to a doctor's appointment.

Please let us know if there is anything we CAN do to help.


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Fay......What happened to you in that doctor's office makes me sick to my stomach!! You didn't deserve this kind of callous disregard from a physician...or from anyone else for that matter. Please forgive the man his ignorance and continue on fighting your valiant battle. You're an inspiration to so many of us...........

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Fay I am so sorry that you had such a terrible experience. Not treating the tumor properly is bad enough but that remark is cruel and uncalled for. I faced that same remark every time I tried to get help for Johnny. It makes you feel like because of lung cancer nothing else matters because you will die of lung cancer. They don't think of the damgage they cause emotionally or what thier un professional actions cost in other ways.

It was because of things like this that I decided to fight so hard to change that deadly attitude. I came to the same conclusion you have a long time ago. That attitude is responibe for a lot of the deaths from lung cancer.

Don't let an *ss like that get you down. You have more fight and spirit in you than he will ever have. Do what ever you need to do to show how wrong he is. I would also see if there is not a patient advocate that you can report his behavior and unproffesional actions to.

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


I tried to copy the complaint link but it just stayed the same as above. If you go there, just type complaint in the search box. I know you can't do it now. I can feel your heart sinking when that oh so nice doctor told you of his mistake. He ain't so nice, Faye. You are. You deserve a doctor that can help not who can smile nicely. Son of a bee.

Complaint: (please do)

I am unhappy about something my doctor did or didn't do. Is there anything the Medical Board can do about it?

The Medical Board is responsible for investigating complaints and disciplining physicians who violate the law. If a doctor or other Board licensee violates the laws that apply to the practice of medicine, Board staff will investigate appropriate charges may be filed. Staff can investigate the following types of issues:

the quality of care and treatment provided by a physician (e.g. negligence)

violation of drug laws or misprescribing

substance abuse by the physician

sexual misconduct by the physician

dishonesty (including filing fraudulent insurance / Medi-Cal / Medicare claims)

practice of medicine by an unlicensed person

In addition to physicians, the Board also investigates complaints about and takes appropriate disciplinary action against:

registered dispensing opticians

research psychoanalysts

licensed midwives

Further, the Board also investigates complaints about licensees in the following professions; however, the disciplinary action is taken by the respective licensing entity.

doctors of Podiatric Medicine

physician assistants


psychological assistants

Consumers can contact the Board's Central Complaint Unit for assistance either through our toll-free line (1-800-633-2322) or by calling (916) 263-2424. Staff of the Central Complaint Unit can assist by providing information about the issues within the Board's authority. They also can provide information about how to file a complaint with the Board, and the types of documents that may be needed. Some patients do not wish to disclose their identity. If that is the case, staff will assist you in preparing the complaint, however, the Board may be unable to pursue the complaint unless we can document evidence of the allegations made. Please also see the following for more information:

How Complaints are Handled

Questions and Answers About Investigations

Most Asked Questions About Medical Consultants

Except for special circumstances, complaints are required to be in writing. Complaint forms can be obtained by calling the Central Complaint Unit at either of the numbers above or by filling out the following form:

Consumer Complaint Form

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Dear Fay,

I am appaled!! A sweet DR he may be, but an ignorant one at best. I agree that you should copy these posts and open his eyes. It will have a lasting effect on him and I am sure he will never repeat this mistake!! That is one way you can help yourself by knowing because of you he will hurt no one else and God knows of your caring nature. As for you my heart breaks to hear you are crying. I just want to hug you and tell you that you will be fine. Your spirit and resilent personality will get you through this. We love You Fay !! God Bless You.

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