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Hi everyone,

I got the results of my latest CT scan from my onc. yesterday. Unfortunately, my tumor has grown.

The good news is that the tumor started out at 2.9cm, then it shrank to 1.8cm and now it has grown to 2.2cm. So, it is still smaller than when first diagnosed.

The bad news is that I also have some small nodules in the OTHER lung that have grown. They are very small, 1 to 2 ml have grown to 3 to 4 ml.

This all represents progression and therefore I have been taken off the clinical trial ZD-6474. It was a double blind trial, and we do not know if I was even getting the drug. My thinking is that I was not. I never had any side effects and now the tumor has grown.

We decided to try Iressa. I had my first dose today. My dr. says that it seems to work best for non-smoking women with adenocarcinoma, which is me. So, hopefully this will work, with not too many awful side effects.

Also, I am still having excruciating pain from the Denver Catheter put in 4 weeks ago. The pulmonologist says this is very uncommon and I have an appointment on Monday to have the tube removed. We are not getting much fluid at all when draining, so I will be glad to get it out. I only hope they can figure out what has been causing so much pain.


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I was on the Iressa/ZD6474 double blind clinical trial for nine months and took two pills (undetermined as to which drug was being used, but definitely one of the two). I was switched to the other drug when one stopped holding me stable. I hope Iressa will be effective for you...when it works, it really works.



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Joining in on the chorus of "May Iressa Knock Your Cancer's Socks Off!"

I am glad that your doctor wasted no time in getting you on it!

I also hope they can relieve your pain from the catheter.

Please keep us posted--you are in our thoughts.


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Hi TAnn,

I know you are disappointed in the trial and in the progression and I am sorry that it didn't work for you.Look on the bright side.You are still in better shape than you were.You still have some shrinkage from what was originally there.I am praying that Iressa does the trick for you.Sounds like you are a just the type that it will help.Keep your chin up and try not to fret too much on the other not working or whether or not you actually had it.I can see where that would only bring you down.Let us know about Iressa.I have a feeling it will do wonders for you.Praying for us all.TBone

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TAnn, Sorry to hear about your "little" stebacks, but your still better than before, Im sure that this has been a bumpy road for you. Keep thinking positive, and Im sure Iressa will help. My dad has not had it, but it seems to be working for alot of people here. The best of luck to you... things will start to turn up....


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Sorry I haven't written sooner. Just couldn't find the emotional strenght to post, don't know why. I am so glad you are getting that catheter out. Not as glad as you probably are, though. Iressa seems to be a perfect match for you so I am praying it does its wonders for you.


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