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Not a good morning


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Morning, all. We need to draw on the expertise and prayers of all you wonderful people this morning. TBone was taken to the hospital early this morning, as he was coughing up bright red blood. Doctor says that broncitis and/or pneumonia can cause a broken blood vessel, which could be the reason. His blood pressure is a low, but it's been running low. His cough has been worse in the last few days, so hopefully it's a simple case of broncitis or pneumonia that can be treated quickly with antibiotics.

They're checking his dilantin levels (I didn't/don't know if he's still taking it) and doing a chest xray. He's also got a headache - the first one he's had in months, but I don't think it's real bad. If those brain mets are rearing their ugly heads again, we're just not gonna be happy.

Do any of you have any other ideas/suggestions of what could be causing this? He had his 6th taxotere treatment on Monday, and hasn't been feeling well this week (but if he's got broncitis or pneumonia, that could be why he's been under the weather).

His wife doesn't think they'll keep him in the hospital - if they do, I'll head right down there. Will try to keep you posted as I get more info.

PLEASE say an extra little prayer for my big brother.



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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


I will say prayers for TBone and for all of you.

There can be many reasons for coughing up blood - could be from the stomach or even from the nose (weird but true). The headache could be from tension, especially if it came after he saw the blood. Do you know by any chance if the blood he coughed was frothy? Just wondering but don't worry about answering that. Just take care.

praying for each and every one of you


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Oh TeeTaa,

I am so sorry to hear this news. We do pray for some weird things here, (like the problem being an infection)so you bet I will pray that T has bronchitis.

Let him know we are all thinking about him and hope he is home and feeling better pronto.

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Thanks for the message, Cat. And I don't know the answer to that question - it's not one I'd think to ask! (Hey - you're not suggesting that my brother is rabid, are you?! :lol: )

Just got another call - they're sending him home, as it doesn't appear from the xray that he's got broncitis or pneumonia, but they're giving him some antibiotics just in case. After taking some ibuprofen, he hasn't complained anymore about his headache. The docs don't seem to be overly concerned about the amount of blood - gave the impression that it's what is to be expected. TBone is terribly uncomfortable right now, due to being on that cold, hard ER bed. Let's hope the bag full of "stuff" they gave him in the IV will help and he can get some good rest in his recliner once he's home.

Thanks for your concern - and please keep him in your prayers.



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Guest bean_si (Not Active)
(Hey - you're not suggesting that my brother is rabid, are you?! :lol:

Doesn't he go down to Florida often? We're known for our rabid population. :lol::lol::lol:


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It's good to hear that the Dr.'s aren't too concerned. I hope and pray that it's nothing serious. My Dad had a couple of nosebleeds that scared the poop out of me. Dad's Dr. said that sometimes it just happens. One thing they checked my Dad for was low platelets. The Dr. (and our wonderful John here) said that low platelets could cause some unusual bleeding problems. That was not the case with Dad though. It appears that it was just one of those things. I hope this is the case with TBone............just a flooky thing that happened. I know how scary these things can be. My thoughts and prayers are with you, TBone and your whole family.



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Sending prayers and I am so glad he is home from the hospital! Hopefully it is nothing and he is home resting away and feeling better!

As for the headache, who wouldn't have a headache going to the hospital :) It seems natural.

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Thanks to all of you for the concern and well wishes for today's situation and for Terry's birthday.

Ann just called from Mama's and she said that he's sleeping right now so she went to bring Mama up to date. All the kids are out of the house right now so maybe he'll get some rest to get ready for his party next weekend. Wish some/all of y'all could come. Preliminary plans are to play in the pond and cook something (probably lots of lots of somethings).

I hear Terry is issueing requests: wants night game tickets for him and the boys right behind the dugout for a Braves game. Hmmmm, come to think of it, I'd like one, too! But I'm gonna sit between my nephews so they can keep the foul balls from hitting me.

Again, thanks for your thoughts, concerns and words of support and cheer.

We'll keep y'all posted.


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I talked to TBone's wife, Ann, a little while ago, and he's feeling much better. Got a good nap and woke up wanting to go ride around, which they did. Then he requested fresh black-eyed peas and cornbread for supper. Ann said she's gonna learn to fix up one of those saline IV drips if it helps this much!

Oh yeah - all of his bloodwork looked okay, so it wasn't his platelet count that caused the bleeding. And interestingly, the doctor who came in with the xray results had to ask TBone which lung his cancer was in, cause he couldn't tell. So instead of thinking we've run across an incompetent doctor, we'll choose to believe this chemo is really kicking some cancer b____!

Thanks so much to all of you for your concern and prayers. And TBone, I'm sorry if you didn't want me to share all this with the board. But I knew that THESE are the true experts, so I wanted their input when I learned of your situation this morning. Can I still be your favorite sister?!



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