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Had first chemo treatment this past Friday. So sick! Headache, rash, cold, thirsty, sore throat, neck pain, jittery, nausua, confusion, tired. Taking taxol/carbo along with radiation, chemo is once a week. Please tell me it gets better then this. I was perfectly healthy on Friday now I can barely walk to the bathroom alone.

Any support/advise?

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When my mom first started her chemo, she was on a 3 week infusion and her feet and fingers got numb. They thought it was because they were giving her too much at one time, so they lowered the dose but she had the chemo once a week. Have your docs prescribed anything for the nausia? Usually they have pretty good meds to take care of that. I would check with the doctor because maybe they are giving you too high a dose. Just my thoughts. In any case, I hope you feel better soon.


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There are good medications for nausea.

IV Zofran and lorazepam, plus plenty iv fluids.

Some others also have had a steroid and or benadryl.

Ask the Dr about ethyol with the cisplatin to protect your ears and such.

by mouth, zofran, lorazepam (atavan), I also took prilosec.

Drink plenty of water to flush that stuff through your system.

Take it easy, rest a lot. Feet up helps.

Eat, even if you don't feel particularly hungry, or food tastes "off".

Try 5-6 snack sized meals a day instead of 3 full meals.

Watch movies, read books, try to distract yourself from your discomfort and time will pass more quickly.

God bless, I hope your treatments are successful.


Prayers Always,


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For my mom it got better, worse, better, etc. The chemo was like a cycle, after awhile we could predict when bad days would be. Hang in there, you have gone through so much, you are almost done!

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It's cyclic, Beth...ask your docs for meds to help with the side effects. Make yourself drink lots of plain old water. And keep telling yourself that you'll do what you must for the chance to live a long and healthy life.

You hang in there...you're young and you're a survivor and you're going to make it through this.

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It "WILL" get better and you will learn to manage it. There will be bad days and good days with the number of good days increasing. Remember, you are lucky "You are working on a cure" "You will survive". There are many (me included) who would love to be in your position. "YOU CAN DO IT"


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As my daughter already posted (osirus226) I lost the feeling in my hands and feet, also my legs were hurting so bad I could hardly walk. The doctor cut the dosing into 3 times a month with 1 week off and that certainly helped the numbness in my hands and legs. My toes are still a little numb but manageable. Now I am on Taxol and the only side effect I am having is mouth thrush I think. I say that because I suspect that is the cause, not sure just yet. What else could it be from? Maybe after the 3rd or 4th treatment I can be sure.


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It will get better...and what you are going through is directed toward a cure. That is an important thing to remember. Whatever you must go through for a few weeks is worth the rest of your life. Now, with that said, I do hope you feel better soon. I thought it would never be over and now I am 17months out. Believe me it was worth it.


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I can certainly relate to what you are going through -- I too had surgery, followed by radiation and chemo at the same time. The weekly chemo is tough because once you start to rebound from one infusion, it's time for the next! I only had a day or two of feeling human again before it was time for the next one. However -- I am assuming this is for a short time -- maybe 6 weeks or so? Just keep telling yourself that there IS light at the end of the tunnel and you can do it!!!

Make sure you drink PLENTY of water (even when you don't want to). Radiation along with chemo makes you dehydrated and that is not something you want. I spent many an afternoon at the hospital after radiation treatment hooked up to an IV for fluids due to dehydration.....

I also learned the hard way that the anti-nausea meds (I took Zofran) work really well at PREVENTING nausea....but not so good at TREATING the nausea wants it sets in. Don't hesitate to take those pills, and don't wait until you feel sick -- staying ahead of the game can make a big difference!

We are about the same age and going through a similar treatment. If you ever want to talk, feel free to PM me at any time. Take care of yourself!


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It will get better... I had the same thing just after surgery but I had my chemo one a week for about 7 weeks along with the radiation everyday for 12 weeks. I took the zofran for the horrible sick stomach feeling, but too much of it made me very confused and that I hated!! So I only took it as needed. Drink lots and lots of water!! It's hard on your kidneys and the water will really help flush things out. Just hang in there because you will be going up and down quite a bit. I went through different chemo regamines and they each seem to have their own little side effects. numbness/tingling, I also had problems with my hearing, but it would get better, than worse, than better, than worse. Like waves that you just have to ride out. Towards the end I thought I couldn't handle it another second... so tired. But then they would tell me that they were going to narrow the radiation beam or that I only had one more chemo etc. It helps to keep you going. the most amazing thing to me was how quickly your body bounces back... you're young (I was almost your age when this thing began) and I started feeling better almost immediately after my treatment was over. It was amazing, I'd almost forgotten what it was like to feel good again. I kept a calendar on my fridge and crossed off each day - with a little note about how I felt. Pretty soon I could see the pattern and I knew that I would ride it out.

Take one day at a time through the treatment and if that gets too hard go minute by minute. You can do it!!!

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Thanks everybody! I saw the Oncologist today, seems like I'm one of those unlucky people that just doesn't get one or two side affects. I get them all, they are trying to figure out what to do. Taking so many pills It's rediculous.

Also, on my 7th radiation treatment, and the throat problems have started already, go figure. Trying hard to keep it together! Thanks for all the stories, it helps to see what everyone else has been through.

Saw new Pulomanary Dr today, he couldn't believe me age. Nice to know there are other's out there too! I have heard some pretty amazing stories and pray that several years from now I can help someone and encourage them!

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Finally got some more information today. Seems that when you have Rad and Chemo you can develop yeast infections in the throat that are very painful. I am now being treated for this, should see relief in 24-48 hours. Rad Dr says it's too early for throat problems so it has to be yeast. Only way to be sure is to put me to sleep and send a camera down there. We decided we would trust her education instead, NO more surgery! Please.

Go figure, if there is a side affect out there or a problem....it appears that I will get it. Trying to keep it together. Thanks everyone!

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I had same chemo and radiation and it was tiring. Your young enough to get through ok. For me the fear of it was worse than the side effects, they will pass. Hang in there, this combination worked well on my left side. Looks like I'm headed for the same on my right side.

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Thank you to everyone who responded! Slept last night for the first time in 2 weeks! Feeling like I don't want to die this morning!

Trying to be optimistic as we go into week two of chemo and week 3 of radiaition (which is hard).

Maybe I can get out of the house with my kids today, there's a goal!


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Had second chemo two days ago (Monday) - pasted out in the chair from the benadryl they gave me. Was kinda nice, was the happiest I had been since diagnosis. Felt high as a kite till 11pm. They are going to reduce the amounts of benadryl again nex time. Other then that, I am on day three and doing OK, not taking any meds for side affects, think they contributed to everything last week. Stomach is kinda "funky" but eating every 2-3 hours seems to keep it under control.

Started with the radiation throat lump this week, boy this is fun! Feels like I swallowed a sock and it's stuck!

Not too bad though............pray it stays like this!!!!! This I can handle!!

Thanks for listening!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Beth,

My mom was dx just about the same time you were, she had her first chemo (same drugs also) on june 29 with her first of 30 radiation treatments starting the following day. The first weekend after the chemo was fairly rough on her, i think maybe her body and mind were still ajusting to all of this. Now her chemo this round is lose dose, and she will start a round of high dose in about 6 weeks. She has 2 more rounds of chemo as the low dose. I dont know if yours is that same or not, but Mom has not really had a problems so to speak, a touch of nausea the 2 days after chemo and a bit tired, but nothing too bad. So maybe it will get better for you in the weeks to come. Radiation has been ok also, her throat is starting to bother her some with a bit of pain in the chest when she swallows. Surgery was not an option for mom and oh how i wish it were, i think maybe im gonna get a second opinion of that though after all chemo is done and i see where we are at. Seeing your age really scares me as im a 42 yr old smoker for the last 25-30 yrs. i want to quit so bad. Do you have family close by? all my mom has is me, its been tough learning to juggle all her care along with my own family and just general life problems. Hang in there it has to get better, drs have told mom taht they will bring her to "the brink of death" make her think she is going to die, make her want to die, and when she starts feeling like that she will begin getting better, and we are no where near that point yet, so im sure its going to be a long hard road ahead, but we can do this and so can you. Anytime you want to chat, im here and you are in my prayers

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for me the first one was the worst one

mainly because you just dont know what to expect

be sure to write all your symtoms down so when you go for your next treatment the doc can make adjustments. be sure to take meds to prevent side effects before they happen they gave me emend which helped alot especially with the carbo it does get better ya just gota keep track of everything you are feeling so they can help ya thru it

good luck


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