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dberry's grandneice

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Hello to everyone who has been concerned about my Great Uncle Dan Berry. I want to thank you and to let you know that Uncle Dan has embarked upon his next grand journey....he passed away last evening at his home, which is where he wanted to be. He had spent the last couple of weeks sleeping mostly, with help from his bottle of morphine. (Nectar of the Gods, I believe he called it. :) ) At any rate, while I miss him already and am saddened because I know he wasn't ready to go just yet, I am happy that his suffering wasn't made to go on and on.

As a side note, Uncle Dan died on August 21st, which is the birthday of his only sister. (She committed suicide some 35+ years ago, and would have been my grandmother--had we ever met. I just always wonder about some great cosmic significance when things like that happen.)

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

I'm sorry. I wish Dan Berry wasn't gone but I'm glad that his spirit is now at peace and on a more beautiful journey. My prayers to the family.


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Oh no. This is so sad. :cry: I'm so sorry to hear that Dan lost his battle, but I am thrilled to know that he is finally out of pain and has peace. He was really, really struggling. I didn't see your name above, but I am so sorry you lost your Great Uncle Dan, but I'm glad he had someone to look after him. We thought he was completely alone.

God bless you,


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Unfortunately, Uncle Dan was more alone than I had hoped. I live more than six hours away and have two VERY loud toddlers...we didn't see him too often, and when we did, he could only stand the chaos in small doses. :) My Great Aunt Irena (Dan's brother's widow) carried the brunt of the caretaking. She lives 45 minutes from Uncle Dan, and she stayed with him for the last few weeks. My mother, Dan's neice, was supposed to be there more than she was. She lives in FL, and was up here visiting Uncle Dan when Hurricane Charley landed a few miles north of her home. So she went home to see what the damage was, and she was on her way back up north to IL when Uncle Dan died. Wherever he is, I am positive he's still ticked off about that....

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I was so dreading to get this news. Dan's posts meant a great deal to me. I enjoyed his wry sense of humor, but so wished that it wasn't cancer and cancer doctors that he had to be wry about. I am glad to hear that he was able to stay out of the hospital in his last weeks.

The one comfort I can find is that I know he is somewhere in the universe learning the answers to life's great mysteries.

I thank you for letting us know, as knowing, I am sure has eased quite a few of our minds, even as it has brought us sadness.

love and fortitue


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