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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome back, Nell. Your presence is appreciated. Don
  2. Sounds like a plan! Hoping it is very successful. Don
  3. Kathi, my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. So sad. Don
  4. I agree. This site is very unique. I have been involved with others and they just don't compare. I am glad I Googled and found this one. Don
  5. David, good to see you post. You are one jewel of a dude! Folks, for those who don't know, David P. is our resident Lance Armstrong. Go, David! Blessings. Don
  6. It sounds to me like you are doing what you can and balancing things the best you can. You have to take care of yourself as well. Don't take the guilt trip -- you have enough real concerns. As for parents, I am one, and I believe I can speak to that. Moms can put real guilt trips on their kids. It's not just about the cancer, it is the attention they want. When we put Lucie's mom in a nursing home, I told Lucie to decide for herself what she thought was the right frequency of visiting during the week. Because, it would never be enough for her mother, no matter how much she did. She found that to be true, and she had no siblings to help out. I loved my mother-in-law dearly, but I could see a real trap for Lucie and warned her ahead of time. It worked out fine. And, of course, I vsisited some with Lucie, and some on my own. My visits (I wasn't a blood relative) were always enough, but Lucie's never were. Just the way moms are. Give yourself a break. It sounds like to me you are very compassionate and doing what you can. Don
  7. Don Wood

    Dad update

    Billie, sorry for this turn of events. All of you are on edge, so there will be "words" but try to overlook them. I am with you -- keep your dad comfortable. I don't understand why Hospice wouldn't give him morphine through an IV -- you might want to check that with them. Blessings. Don
  8. Don Wood


    Well, I did not realize it was a game until the end. Silly me. I just enjoyed watching it. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Rich 2000

    Well now, our own Rich (Dadstimeon) has made his 2000th post! Rich has been with us for 2 years now and we very much appreciate his support, caring, info and many contributions. Great to have you aboard here, Rich, and look forward to many more of your posts. Cheers! Don
  10. Don Wood


    Happy anniversaries, Rick and Katie! Your wedding anniversary is the same day as my son, Jim, and his wife, Robyn. They will be celebrating their 9th (second marriages for both). Don
  11. Yep, one of the things I learned fast is that just because there is LC in the family, the normal aggrevations of life don't stop. They just keep coming. The tooth can be fixed -- cool it, man!
  12. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your whole wonderful family. Don
  13. When Lucie had her second occurrence (rt. lung, rib, lymph nodes), onc put her on Navelbine and it worked quite well. All of the tukmors disappeared.
  14. Laura, my heartfelt sympathies. Don
  15. Excellent point, Fay. We have experienced the same thing as we moved from New Orleans to Detroit to Houston to San Francisco to Houston to Baton Rouge and back to Houston. We have found that once you get used to the "culture", you find good, nice people everywhere. Don
  16. 1} Lucie is in a "clear" period and gaining strength. (She has gone back to water aerobics once a week and I have been able to get in three gym visits the last couple of weeks.) 2} We celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary. (Didn't know we would see 45). 3)My parents were super -- lost them too early in my life, but grateful for all they did for me in the short span. 4} Our step-grandson sent us a thank you note for his college graduation present and expressed how much he has appreciated our support of him over the past 9 years. 5} OUr granddaughter and daughter-in-law came to visit yesterday, and we shared about our families -- stories, pictures. We took them to lunch.
  17. Prayers for mum, Jana and Karen.
  18. Well, rats! Praying that the plan ahead works for him. Don
  19. Welcome, Nancy. Plenty of hope and support here. Hang in there. Don
  20. Well, darn, TAnn! Praying the Alimta will take up where the Tarceva left off. Don
  21. The quilt is a treasure. So is your grandma.
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