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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Rich, you are not alone, my friend. We all know that feeling. Glad you expressed it to get through it. Take care. Don
  2. Gail, love your attitude and your approach. Personally, I agree that cancer is not something that is "cured" but is "rid of" or "clear" or "not detected". It is being realistic but not dwelling on such. Thanks for your post. Don
  3. So good to see your smiling face, Sandy! Glad you are going home. Don
  4. Excellent news! Amie, you are doin' good! Don
  5. Don Wood


    Glad you two made the trip and wishing for the best. Don
  6. Sounds good to me, Elaine. Lucie has had variable lymph nodes herself -- presently stable. I'll drink to that! Don
  7. Glad to hear you kicked butt on the two brain mets.
  8. So far, so good -- and may it be ever so!
  9. Well, Lucie's lungs were clear (!) at diagnosis. Her main tumor was actually on her upper spine, just across from the top of her left lung. The oncs surmise that the tumor was originally at the top of her left lung and moved over to the neighboring spine. A faint shadow could originally be seen at the top of the left lung.
  10. Benign!!! Such a lovely word!
  11. A frozen marguerita, please!
  12. Welcome, Sue, and thanks for your personal update. Sounds like things are going along okay. My wife also went through chemo and radiation at the same time when first diagnosed. Take heart, take hope and keep fighting! My wife is 2 years and 9 months from diagnosis, and still battling (all quiet right now). Best to you. Don
  13. Another thought -- with low resistance, he could have picked up a "bug". Hope things went well at the doc's. Don
  14. Cindi, thanks for the update. Sounds mighty good to me. Enjoy! Don
  15. Welcome. Glad you are here. Don
  16. Lucie lost function in her left hand and then developed pain in the arm and hand. (It was from the tumor on her upper spine.) She went through a battery of tests over several months before diagnosis. At that time, she had pain in the hip, rib and spine.
  17. Don Wood

    mike died

    nancy, my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. A sad day. Don
  18. Glad things are better for your dad and that you will be able to be with him. Don
  19. Don Wood

    Dad's CT Scan

    The solution to not eating is called "relentless nagging". It is really up to the primary caregiver to insist. As I have said before, it works better to offer small snacks every two or three hours than to try the three squares a day normal approach. Don
  20. Don Wood

    I found my hope.

    I like "Amie" -- it means "friend". Thanks for your inspiring post. Don
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