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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Merry Christmas, Jack and Cheryl. Hope you enjoyed the snow! Don
  2. Cathy, my heart goes out to you. My deepest sympathies. May you find courage, peace and joy as time goes on. Don
  3. Tell your mom that my wife is Stage IV and is 27 months from diagnosis, and going strong. Don
  4. Merry Christmas, Annjael!
  5. Hi, Bruce! Thanks for the update on yourself. Have a good Christmas and I wish you the best for 2005. Keep us posted. Don
  6. I can comment on the port-a-cath. Lucie has one, and it has been a Godsend for her. Her veins are small and hard to get to. With the port, it is easy access. She has had one for two years now. Don
  7. Kel, thanks for the great news on your Mom. You and family have a great Christmas, as I am sure it will be. As we say in Texas, Feliz Navidad! Don
  8. Great news! Merry Christmas, Sandy. Don
  9. Great news, Peggy! Have a super Christmas holiday. Don
  10. Thanks, J. C. Back atcha!
  11. Don Wood

    Noel Noel

    Joyeaux Noel! Feliz Navidad! Froeliche Weinachten! Buon Natale! Merry Christmas to all and to all a great holiday season. Love, Don & Lucie
  12. Kim. I am sorry that there is still discord in your family. From my view, your mom could make it happen if she took the effort to get all together. I'm sorry she hasn't done that, since we don't know how many Christmases we have. Lucie makes it clear each year that she expects us all to come together for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it happens. There are the usual sibling noises but it is background noise when all join together to celebrate life. I wish for you a special Christmas Day. Don
  13. Glad to read your update. Have a great Christmas. Don
  14. Hi! I know this is hard, but -- try not to panic! Take a deep breath and try to relax. I think your outlined plan is the one you should stick with unless something comes up to tell you different. You need the time with your husband since you will not be together much. Your mom is taking chemo now and starting radiation. That is enough to make her very tired and very sick. I would guess that is the reason she sounds like she does. Is she on pain medication? She should be because bone mets can be very painful. 'As the chemo and radiation work, the pain should lessen. My wife is Stage IV NSCLC, and has had numerous bone mets. She is 27 months out from diagnosis, so hang in there, and hang onto the hope. Good luck, and keep us posted. Don
  15. Merry Christmas, Curtis and Katie!
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