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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. You are a miracle walking and you are very blessed. Thanks for sharing your inspirational story. My belief is that those spared have further work to do for Him here on earth. You might reflect on that. Sharing your story is a good start. My wife is a walking miracle, too. Don
  2. I decided to post this here -- seemed appropriate. Lucie starts her third round of Navelbine tomorrow and will have another next Thursday. Then scans will be taken to determine progress. Why do I post in Good News? Well, for two reasons: (1) The side effects of Navelbine have been much less than those of Taxotere/Carboplatin, her first chemo. She is fatigued easily, but that has been the main side effect. We have resorted back to snacks between meals and plenty of liquids to keep the nausea down and prevent dehydration. She had some constipation at first but she has that under control. (2) The pain in her right lower rib has subsided substantially! This means, (A) that the chemo is working and (2) she probably won't have to have radiation treatment after the chemo. Blessed us! Lucie continues to read your messages to her and enjoys the wonderful support she is getting from you. Me, too. We will let you know how things progress -- and it will be progress, right? Right! Don
  3. Good news, Shelly -- glad to hear it. Now relax a little, okay? Don
  4. You think Aunt Carol is available for getting rid of cancer? Well, maybe the cure would be worse than the disease (LOL).
  5. It is a good habit to get into -- thanking Him every day in every way. I especially thank Him when I wake up and when I go to bed. It helps make His presence more real to me. We should have an "attitude of gratitude". Thanks for sharing. Don
  6. Chemo and meds do tend to play with the emotions, I think, to say nothing of the lurking disease. You are very normal, my friend. Don
  7. Happy Birthday, Donna Donna!
  8. Hey, Carleen and Keith! Thinking about you two. Don
  9. Peggy, please send yur husband for me a jubilant Happy Birthday and a super One Year of Survivorship. Way to do, Dude! Don
  10. Paddy, Lucie is presently on Navelbine, having had Taxotere and Carboplatin on her first treatment. It has not had the bad side effects of Taxotere so far. Lucie has been tvery fatigued and that is the main one. The tumor on her right lower rib that was giving her discomfort seems to have subsided significantly after two treatments, so that is an indication to us it is working. She probably will not have to have radiation after this treatment. She has her third and fourth treatments this week and next and then scans will be done to see where we are. Best to you both. Don
  11. Peggy, glad things are going well and that you got some good answers. Thanks for sharing. Don
  12. Well, I believe men, by our nature and our culture, see ourselves as the strong ones, the problem-solving ones. We don't envision ourselves getting sick and needing help. We see pain and illness as a sign of weakness. So, many times we are in denial, and play the "ignore it and it will go away" game. What can you do? That's a good question. Be assertive but don't nag! I know that is a tall order. Many times we men do need help in recognizing there is a problem and then getting the necessary help. It ain't easy to do this, but well worth the effort. Sometimes you can get another male to talk with your male and get help that way. Sometimes not. It's worth a try. Don
  13. You are right. We must be vigilant and persistent.
  14. Bill, so sorry for this news on the pelvic area. I hope the pain can be gotten under control. Don
  15. ENJOY!!! Glacier National Park is gorgeous. Don
  16. Nancy, I'm glad you posted your feelings. Good move. Lucie is also bothered with the high 90's heat and the humidity as she goes through her second chemo. The combination wipes her out, but she continues to function and do what she can. Blessings. Don
  17. Hi, Bill! Welcome to the lchelp site. Much info and support here. Please keep us informed of your wife and yourself, and let us know what we may do for you. I also am a husband with an LC wife. She was diagnosed 22 months ago and given 9 months. She is still hanging in there so take heart. It would be helpful if you would go into your profile and put down a bio for your wife, so when you post it reminds us of the particulars. It will show up each time your post, as the one for Lucie below here. My heart goes out to you as the primary caregiver -- it is a tough job, but it has some high moments, too. Don
  18. Jim, welcome back! Glad you got some fishing and visiting in. Don
  19. Don Wood

    How Can This Be???

    What that says to me, Ann, is that Dennis was very present at your son's graduation. This is a way of letting you know that. I love the story. Don
  20. Best to you both, Kate. Sounds like you're on a good track. Don
  21. Cheryl, despite the problems, I am glad you two got a boat ride. You needed that. Tell Jack to chill -- getting mad is not good for his heart. I am the worst at getting mad and I have learned to curb it, for my health and for others (LOL). Take a deep breath, count ten, make a joke. All that and more works for me. You two are a terrific couple. Looking forward to seeing you again. Don P. S. Randy has been out of work for 7 months and his unemployment just ran out. Well, he found a contract job in northern California that will bring in some cash for a month or two. He has made it clear to the people that he wants to stay in Dallas. The Lord does provide!
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