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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. It always helps to have a good sense of humor!
  2. Welcome, and I second what MO said. Don
  3. I think that once a person has cancer, they are never completely free of the thought that it may return. It is something we learn to live with and get on with life. I hope you can do the same. Good luck. Don
  4. Welcome, Charolette. I also retired early, at age 58. Hang in there, and let us know how things are going with your husband and with you. Don
  5. Peggy, thanks for letting us know. Don
  6. Tess, thanks for the update. Sounds like things are working. Don
  7. Beth, so sorry your husband is having such a hard time. My wife had the peripheral neuropathy, but not as severe as your husband. She had numbness in hands and feet and blackened fingernails and toenails. It did get worse as the treatments went on, but pretty much cleared up after she was off the chemo. My prayers are with you both. Don
  8. Bonnie, have a ball! 50 year reunions are a blast! I attended mine 2 years ago. Lucie is from Miss., Jackson to be exact. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Good Scan - Again

    Great news, Dave! May the news continue great. Don
  10. Congratulations, Carlton!
  11. Welcome, Jane! Keep us posted. Don
  12. Great news! May it continue to flow. Don
  13. Don Wood

    Home now

    Glad you are home, David A., and glad you are back on board. Don
  14. Beth, yes it is normal for blood components to be low during chemo. They are fast growing areas like your hair or nails, so the chemo attacks them as well. The degree varies with the patient. I don't know what to advise you on the platelets. Lucie had low white counts and low red counts as times. Hang in there. Don
  15. I went back to see "The Passion" and took Lucie. We went last Tuesday during Holy Week. She thought it was very powerful, too. I was surprised to see things I had missed the first time. It certainly made our Easter celebration Sunday so much richer. Don
  16. Angie, when you are the caregiver, it is normal to be very sensitive to the carereceiver. I was one who never heard things during the night. When Lucie got sick, even though she was in an adjoining room, I began hearing every move, every cough, every sigh. It was like I was the mother. When Lucie got better, I went back to not hearing as much during the night. Funny how that is. Prayers for you and your dad. Don
  17. Don Wood


    Welcome to the board, Jamie. None of us is prepared for getting cancer or having a loved one get cancer. But we manage, with the support of family, friends and this great group here. Let us know what you learn, and ask questions. Don
  18. Don Wood

    Results are in

    Ray, I am disappointed the cancer is back. Hang in there. Don
  19. Curtis, I much enjoyed reading about you and Katie. Couldn't help but think how proud Becky would be of you two. I am glad you are going to pursue your doctorate and teach. From your enthusiasm for it, I know that is what you should do. I went back to graduate school after being out 4 years, and got my doctorate in chemistry, and though I didn't go into teaching, I went into research and loved it. Good luck, and please keep us posted. Becky is with you in spirit and will always be there for you two. We are here, too. Don
  20. Shirley, so sorry you dad has passed, but I'm glad it was peaceful for him. My heartfelt sympathies to you and your family. Keep connected here, so we can help you through the grief period. Don
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