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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'll be on the lookout for a misplaced mojo. In the meantime remember that we got your back! We'll fight with you with ferocity. (I've kept it a secret up to now, but I can be pretty ferocious. I'm known in some circles as 'Vicious Val.') You are so very much loved. Please know that. Do what you need to do to feel ok with this news. Thinking about plans and such is ok... Just remember you don't need to use any of those plans any time soon. I expect you to stay in the NTUC (Not Tits Up Club) for quite some time. love, Val
  2. I can't wait to read your blog! I have loved reading your thoughts here.
  3. I'm so glad to hear from you. You've been near in my thoughts. I know very well what you mean about it not feeling real. Mom's death is JUST starting to sink in for me. You're an amazing, amazing lady, Peggy and I'm so glad to know you. I'm hurting with you and praying for you.
  4. Yep... Grab onto the Hope with all you've got, Darlene! We're here!
  5. You CAN do this. You Can!!!! ((((Jen))))
  6. ((((Cindi)))) Carolyn sends you hugs and kisses and love and hope. She is a very hope-filled girl. I send all of the above too. love, Val
  7. LOVE THIS!!!! Way to go MaryAnn!!!!! What a gift... What a gift you are!
  8. I wanted to applaud you for your efforts to fund Mammograms for women. Cancer is a horrible, horrible disease and early screening is so very important. Any edge that a woman can have to fight against cancer is invaluable, and I applaud you for making this possible for more women. That said, I wanted to mention another extreme threat to women and individuals in general: Lung Cancer. In the wake of Peter Jenning's death and Dana Reeve's diagnosis with Lung Cancer, something should be done. Lung Cancer is deadly. Over 50% of lung cancer patients are diagnosed in the late stages of the disease contributing to a positively dismal survival rate. It's a vicious, vicious disease yet it receives relatively little funding. Lung Cancer will claim more lives this year than prostate cancer and breast cancer combined, yet people are reluctant to fund research to stop this beast of a disease. Over 160,000 people will die this year from Lung Cancer. 70,000 of them will be women. This is far more than the 41,100 deaths projected per year due to breast cancer. What is perhaps most staggering though is the lack of funding lung cancer research receives. The figures break down like this: $13,953 per breast cancer death $10,318 per prostate cancer death $4,618 per colorectal cancer death $1,723 per lung cancer death Something MUST be done. Too many people are dying, with too few resources to combat such a deadly disease. I wanted to bring this to your attention as your website is so committed to bring light to overlooked problems in our world, and providing resources where they are most needed. Those suffering from Lung Cancer desperately need help. I am personally invested in this cause as my mother passed away less than a month ago at age 58 from Lung Cancer. I must be her voice now. Please hear me. Do something for people like Peter Jennings, Dana Reeve, and my mother. --That's what I said--
  9. http://www.thebreastcancersite.com/cgi- ... ponent.0.0 My cousin works for the folks who put up the hunger/rainforest/breast cancer site. Since Mom was diagnosed, I've been telling him to make some noise about Lung Cancer awareness too. Well, today I decided to make my own noise. I'm going to email them and applaud them for helping women get mammograms and then include some information about lung cancer. And... do a little name dropping. I thought of others wanted to, they might resond more to LOST of emails, so here is there contact info. --Trying to be heard!-- Val
  10. Treebywater


    Elaine, I am SO praying!
  11. I always thought my Mom would make such a good Gramma. And she did... But she had such a short time to be one. I thought she would buy Carolyn all sorts of toys..l and make her come back to my house all Sassy. I thought she'd teach her that boys are smelly and make her a little 'feminist' before she was even ten. Man... she was gonna be the 'cool' Gramma....
  12. We all have those days, I think. I know I did. You'll get your fighting gloves back on soon. Feel what you need to feel. I really, really struggled with insensitive people too. Having hope means that you stare the beast in the face and don't back down regardless of how ferocious he is, not that you deny that the beast is a powerful enemy. Hang in there. We're here for you!
  13. I hadn't even thought of reading that. Will have to pick it up now. Thanks, Leslie!
  14. Oh Ann, As if losing your dear husband wasn't enough pain, I can't imagine how being treated like this by his family must hurt. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this and that the pain is bubbling to the surface again.
  15. Does anyone know if there is a way to give feedback to the MSNBC article? Let's applaud the ones that do something right, too!
  16. Have been thinking so much of you guys... See you when you're able.
  17. ((((Becky)))) Feel better so soon!
  18. I've always admired you both, but I've had so much fun today getting to know a little bit about you both from Katie's "injections of hope." I've loved learning about everybody, but I've really taken note of the 'spunk' that you both have. Val
  19. Treebywater

    Carrie Ridley

    I'm so sorry to hear that Carrie is gone.
  20. It does seem like one gut punch after another... I hate it.
  21. Speaking of Carolyn... I posted some fun pictures of her on my blog today. If you want to, check them out. http://ruminationsofordinary.blogspot.com/
  22. Bleck, Jim, this totally bums me out.... Praying for you. Keep on fighting and fishing!
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