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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I am finally back, boy I hope my computer is feeling better now. Yesterday it had to go to the hospital, and had a home visit today. Boy you guys have been chatting! I believe in 11 days I was behind over 400 posts!. Read some sad news, David A, Duke of Earl. New members to catch up on. Connie did call a couple of times to update me, and we also saw each other at the local in person, support group. Just wanted you to know my prayers continued for you while I was "gone" Donna G
  2. So sorry. In our house our dogs have always been part of the family, and when lost, we morn them . It is hard. Hope the kids will be ok. Donna G
  3. So sorry your brother has to battle this beast also. I hope we can be of some help. Donna G
  4. Donna G

    My husband Tom

    Prayers going up. You say a family history? Any Chrons disease, that can cause bleeding, hope it is just a polyp, or a hemorroid.Please let us know. Donna G
  5. O wow, flying into Minneapolis! Let me run outside and wave as you fly over. Have lots of fun. Donna G
  6. Donna G


    This should be under Good News. Sounds like it to me. Thanks for sharing. Donna G
  7. Donna G

    Night Sweats

    I got instant menopause from chemo. Never missed a month, then never again. I not only sweat terrible at night but any time of the day, my husband would look over in the evening and see me tearing my clothes off and know I was having a horendous hot flash. I was put on HRT ( hormone replacement therapy) later that year my sister got breast cancer , I found what my risk was and just stopped them. I still flash but not nearly like that first year. Donna G
  8. Donna G


    I love it. That is so great! Thanks Donna G
  9. Thanks so much to all of you. Never fear Katie when I celebrate it is not over in just one day. Tomorrow night Jay and I have reservations at Jenson's Supper Club, great food, and live entertainment! I got an email that wished me a HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY. Now that is really knocking off a few years! My brother sent me a card with a little girl climbing onto the kitchen counter, that read have a happy birthday and go ahead and do something your not suppose to. Again it reminded me you never grow out of being the baby of the family. Thanks again, Donna G
  10. Prayers are answered. It has been scientifically proven that people that are prayed for do better even if they don't know that they are being prayed for. Your post actually reminds me of the readings at church this past Sunday from the old testiment, The Lord was asked over and over, would you save the city for 50 rightious men, for 40 rightious men, for 30 rightious men, how about 10 rightious men. I get out of that that even a few "rightious men" can make a big difference. Your friends and family that prayed for you show you his love. Donna G
  11. Prayers going up. Hope you feel better quick. Donna G
  12. Angie, just one question. You said your Dad's surgeon said he was clean, and that de did not need chemo? Does he have an Onocologist? Donna G
  13. Just opened up this in my work email, They were talking about a red dress event ( red signifying heart) One out of three American women will die of heart disease. Leading Causes of Death in US Women in 2000 Heart Disease -----366,000 Stroke--------------103,000 Lung Cancer---------65,000 COPD-----------------62,000 Breast Cancer -------42,000 Donna G
  14. Donna G

    Shoulder Pain

    Mary Ann, have we got scoliosis in common also? Wow. Donna G
  15. Donna G

    worring update

    Waiting and wondering , how did they do the biopsy of your adrenal gland. Was it from the outside or from the inside? I just heard a doctor speak on doing biopsies of difficult spots as the adrenal by going down to your stomach during endoscopy, using a special scope that does ultrasound a trained doctor can biopsy through the scope. It sounded that it was a great way for difficult spots. here is a post I wrote. http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=9817 Sure hope your feeling better. Donna G
  16. Just wanted to share. Yesterday we had our local lung cancer support group up in St. Paul, that Connie is our leader. IT WAS GREAT. There were 16 of us around a huge table. We usually have coffee, water, tea, and a big plate of huge cookies that Scott ( the co-facilitator, social worker) brings. We also had lots of cup cakes. We got happy face bubbles ( I love to blow bubbles) and one of our members had ball caps made with his favortite saying " It's another great day to be alive" and gave one to everyone! We took a big group picture. There were 5 of us there with birthdays this month! Mine is today! This is the 7th birthday I have had since being told I had lung cancer. Of course we welcomed NED to come and celebrate with us. Several of us go home with NED. I wish for you a HAPPY DAY today. I just love reasons to celebrate. Maybe it is because I am the baby of my family , and you never really outgrow that postition. Donna G
  17. Some common ACE inhibitors Brand Names Some commonly used brand names are: In the U.S.— Accupril10 Aceon9 Altace11 Capoten2 Lotensin1 Mavik12 Monopril6 Prinivil7 Univasc8 Vasotec Zestril7 Is anyone taking any of these here? Donna G
  18. It was long , but as usual you come up with some very informative articles, thanks. Donna G
  19. Do you know that with every birth of a new baby, there is an umbilical cord with stem cells in it, why don't they ask each new parent to donate the umbilical cord? Donna G
  20. Tess I also want to extend to you prayers of comfort and peace. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    TBone has died.

    I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I pray for you and the whold family for peace. Donna G
  22. Does any one remember Sally in Ireland?. He was 19 at diagnosis. She wrote. Just to let you know that my brother passed away last Friday. He went fast and peacefully. __________________
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