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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I am not suffering with bothe but I have heard of others cured on one and coming down with the other. It sounds really hard. So sorry. Donna G
  2. Welcome Preston. Sounds like your recent news is good. Keep up the good work! and keep us posted on how it is going. Donna G
  3. South Dakota ( your handle is very long) My tumor was high in my right lung , not reachable by bronch, I had a CT guided needle biopsy, and that was hard for them to do. What I am writing about is your comment on surgery. If you are able to have it, it is the best way to cure. Most of us have a lot more tests to make sure it is an option, as pulmonary function studies, bone scans, brain scans etc. Now depending on where your tumor is, at not wrapped around a blood vessel , or attached to your heart etc, you may be able to have VAT or video assisted thorocosopy. With that surgery, if your surgeon has been trained, they only make a small incision, and the recovery can be as little as 3 days. It is not at all like what I had where they break a couple of ribs, spread them, spead chest muscles etc . So before you get the all excited don't be so against it. I know it is hard but ONE STEP AT A TIME. OK? now keep us posted. Donna
  4. I have a friend who just started Iressa, her insurance did not pay. She said she just wrote out a check for the first month rx, $900. Hope yours kicks in. Her theory is if it saves her life what is money? Keep us posted how your insurance pans out. Donna G
  5. My plan from the beginning was chemo and radiation , then surgery . The diffierence my be my radiation was aimed at the tumor only, it was only one lobe that was removed. Was your radiation aimed at the one spot or was it given generally all over your lungs? Donna G
  6. I am not now were you are but I have been. After chemo, radiation, surgery, chemo I was thinking I needed to get back in shape. I joined the Y and took water aerobics . I figured that was safe for I had neuropathy in my feet and feared falling down, in the water if you fall , it is only into more water. Turned out that is a great exercise to build up lungs, and more of a work out than on "shore" I don't know how l would feel about it if I had still been on chemo and had a low WBC count. If you really want to talk to someone who is an exercise advocate look up David P 's story on the My Story ribbon. you could email him and talk more. Also the founder of ALCASE was a lung cancer survivor and actuallly wrote a phamplet that doctors recommened for rehab from lung cancer. Goood Luck Donna G
  7. Kelly I am so sorry you lost your sister Kim. Yes she was much too young and we know you will miss her so. I pray for your comfort. Donna G
  8. Jane I can not advise you about the polyps but I am so glad that you did not ignore the symptoms and your husband is having the problem looked into. As far as smoking- I pray you bothe make a wise decision. Donna G
  9. Great news Dave. Now we had better start praying for good weather. First we had tons of rain, then cold, last night bad storm. Summer would be a welcome change. Donna G
  10. Such an inspiring but very sad story. Why? Why does such a young good person get inflicted with this horible disease. Why does anyone? I pray some day soon they will have the answer. Donna G
  11. Ginny , so sad to hear your news. Prayers going up that things settle down and you two have time to just enjoy each other. Donna G
  12. Welcome Renee. Glad you found us. There are so many caring people here. Keep us posted Donna G
  13. Katie, Rick we love you. We can never thank you enough for all your hard work and efforts. You can not imagine how many people you help every day. Thanks so much. Donna G
  14. You are so right 53 is much too young. I also want to express my sorrow for you and pray that you find peace. Donna G
  15. Great news! Keep it coming! Donna G
  16. A friend of mine just turned 65 and now Iressa is not covered . She just started it . I should tell her this month she got a bargain. One month supply cost her $ 900 . Unless I have forgotten my math that is only $ 30 a day. She figures it will take 2 months to find out weather she is one of the people who respond well to Iressa. Donna G
  17. Curtis , when you are ready, you might want to try this site. My niece is engaged to a wonderful guy she was matched with here. http://www.catholicmingle.com/ or http://www.avemariasingles.com/Ave-Mari ... -staff.cfm warm wishes. Donna G
  18. Larry ! What great news! Thanks so much for telling us. Its great to have friends in high places! I also called on Saint Peregrine, patron saint of those suffering from cancer. I also credit the prayers of my family and parish family. Love to hear good news. Donna G
  19. Shelly I am so sorry. I know he is strong and understanding enough to handle your anger. I also know he has tears in his eyes to see you so hurt for he loves you. We love you. Donna G
  20. I agree the next step should be chemo. I was definitely not Stage I . I had chemo and radiation and surgery and more, that was over 6 yrs ago and I have no evidence of disease. I think your Moms news is great considering she went to surgery know she had lung cancer. Keep us posted. Donna G
  21. Prayers going up for Marie. May she quickly begin to feel better, and tolerate her chemo til the finish. Donna G
  22. Donna G

    Good Book

    I concur, that was a good one. Donna G
  23. I just heard on the weather channel that 85% of lightning to people strikes are to men. Does that even us out any? Donna G
  24. Donna G

    facial swelling

    Phylis, not a good idea to take your sisters diutetic!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what your Hemoglobin is? Do you know what your serum protein is? These are questions for your doctor. Please let him decide what you need. Donna G
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