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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. What a great anniversary, 9 years! Congradulations and wishing you many, many more. Donna G
  2. First, boy am I glad they found the tumor and you were able to have Cyberknife! Are you saying you still have chest pain? Since June? See another doctor. Yesterday Dr. Oz said if you drink liquor it causes dialation of blood vessels. Tumors have big blood supplies! The presure on the tumor from the dialated blood vessels will cause pain. So an early sign of cancer could be pain somewhere after imbibing in alcohol. Keep us posted. Donna G
  3. Hello Cyndy. How old is your son in law? Do they have any details yet, like staging? or type? I bet your daughter is very upset too! I am so sorry that your family is going through this again. I hope we can help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  4. Wow Kasey, it has been 5 years! That is great news for you to share with us. I am happy hearing it! Donna G
  5. I just opened my emails and found the one Wendy's family sent telling of her passing yesterday. I am in shock. She was so nice and much too young. It is so sad for her family especially her children. Donna G
  6. Welcome Kelli. So glad you found us. This is a tough time, we know, going through all the tests and biopsies. Sounds like his doctors are working hard to get him ready for treatment. Keep us posted. Donna G
  7. There was a story of a new local group raising money for lung cancer research------A Breath of Hope----------they are having a Lung Run here in the twin cities. http://wcco.com/video/?id=66543@wcco.dayport.com It gives a story of a local person trying to survive lung cancer also. I know Dr. Jacque, one of the nurses in the group works at Fairview Hospital Southdale ( I work at a Fairview hospital) This is the first I have heard of this group. Donna G
  8. Wow, great news!! Congrats! Donna G
  9. Welcome aboard. My husband is a Vietnam Vet, does that count? Our local lung cancer group has several SCLC survivors that are over 6-8 yrs. Wishing you this great response to chemo. Keep us posted. Donna G
  10. Donna G

    CT scan update

    We love those results that say " Improvement" Great news! Donna G
  11. Hi Casey. I too am so glad you found this site. I know going through this is really hard and you really need info and support. Glad the brain tumor is gone. The chemo should be able to reach the lungs and adrenal and liver. Pray that they respond to it and it knocks it dead. Keep us posted. Donna G
  12. Stable ! That is good news! Donna G
  13. Also I do want to mention I have several friends with SCLC which is well known for being "incurable" but they have been treated with Chemotherapy and have survived for many years with no signs of progression and enjoying a very good quality of life. Donna G
  14. As I said I had NON small cell lung cancer and had chemo before surgery and at surgery they found it all dead.
  15. I googled Gregory D. Pawelski and found 19 pages of hits. You seem to have been working hard to get people not to use chemo. I also want to say you have my prayers for you suffering the hardship of loosing your wife to Ovarian Cancer. Donna G
  16. I really am glad I did not go to this doctor. The statement that most cancers are not curable by chemo to me is weird. As most cancers are curable. I know that it was chemo and radiation that started my treatment to make me operable etc. I have been cured! Donna G
  17. Hi Shirley. It's been so long since I have read one of your posts. I know Randy is with you in a very special way especially on the birthdays. Prayers to you. Donna G
  18. Welcome Joy, so glad you found us. Boy that first week is horrible! All I did was cry. Getting a port is a wonderful thing. Great for chemo and great for blood draws. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  19. One down one to go! Good news. Donna G
  20. Donna G

    Happy Day!

    In December 1997 they told me I had Lung cancer. I thought I would not make my 51st Birthday. Guess what! Today is my 62nd Birthday! Happy Days! I have the day off and plan to play. Donna G
  21. Cyberknife is so much easier than the way I had it! They must feel if would benefit you or they wouldnt suggest it. Best wishes. Tell us how it went. Donna G
  22. Welcome Shirley. We all know this is a scary and anxious time. Please let us know how the visit goes with the Pulmonologist goes and if he plans more tests. Donna G
  23. Donna G


    Good news, very treatable Donna G
  24. I heard on the news this morning the point that this "insurance" will not pay for "unnecesary" treatments. Who decides what is needed? Also above there was a comment that Doctors should get just a salary , not get paid by the visit. That money not only pays the doctor but his office expenses, his office help, his rent, electricity etc. I do not want to be billed separately for who answers the phone , or makes my appointment, or bills my insurance company etc. People think baseball players are worth millions a year ( basketball , football etc, entertainers.) The person who goes to college for years to get a doctorate degree, then does an internship, goes on to specialize with a residency. He should get $50,000 a year to pay for all that schooling and time, and for his office and office staff. Interesting Donna G
  25. I just want to mention that since people are out of work etc. at most hospitals there has been an increase of people being seen in the emergency room and an increase of people being admitted for care. With these stats we also are having an increase of people not paying their bills. My point is we do take care of people without insurance, good care. We never just turn them away! What would be nice is if the government would recognize people and institutions who do and give them a break! Donna G
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