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Everything posted by Jyoung20

  1. Hot dogs... Nothing really special here...mustard and relish, adding grilled onions and cheese Okay I am hungry for a hot dog now and it's 7:00 in the morning. God Bless!! Jamie
  2. Jyoung20


    Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem of hope!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  3. A very informative website about all different types of cancer. Also, had a opportunity to be interviewed and they spent some time in Memphis at my clinic. God BLess!! Jamie www.understandingcancer.tv Go to watch episodes Look under surviving and thriving They worked in snippets from the fundraiser also...let me know what you think.
  4. Hey Dave!! Welcome!! God Bless! Jamie
  5. Oh My Carleen That is terrible... Maybe singing was not your musical niche but you have definately found your creative spirit with your writings. God Bless! Jamie
  6. Welcome Jussi!! You have found a place of hope. There are many survivors here. People thriving and living with lung cancer at every stage. Never give up!! God Bless You as you begin this journey!! Jamie
  7. Band was the best Math was the worst
  8. Hey guys!! If any of you out there are taking tarceva and would be interested in participating in some media outreach, please let me know. I know many that have been contacted in the past and have done an awesome job with not only promoting the drug but also lung cancer awareness. My friend, Mandy (works for a media company), is looking for people to participate with their local media during lung cancer awareness month. A great way to get the word out!!!!! Send me a pm if you are interested. God Bless!! Jamie
  9. wooooohooooo!!! What an inspiration you are!!!! God Bless!!! Jamie
  10. Thanks for the info. Hank!!! I am so glad it has been effective with few side effects. I hope it proves the same for lung cancer.
  11. Jyoung20


    Walk a Thousand Miles---Vanessa Carlton Everything---Michael Buble
  12. Have not had any hair loss just very slow hair growth.
  13. Jyoung20

    Too sad

    I'm so sorry.. God Bless You during this time!! Jamie
  14. Sending up Knee mail especially for you!!!! I pray that Tarceva works! God Bless You!! Jamie
  15. Hi Mary, Welcome to our site. Praying for great scans!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  16. Great news!!! Thanks for sharing!!! God Bless!! Jamie
  17. Jyoung20


    Ain't nothin like smellin flares!!
  18. She sounds pretty awesome!! Thanks for sharing!! And yes, there are some very courageous people here! They inspire me everyday!!!
  19. Thanks Ann!!!! A great reminder of how to live!!
  20. I'm tapping my feet and shakin' my fanny right now!! Great news!! God Bless!! Jamie
  21. Jyoung20


    Rachel, I'm sorry you have been so upset. Early in treatment, it was also very difficult for me to make plans for the future. But, as you survive this WILL get easier. As I would talk with my family about my feelings of uncertainty and lost hope, my older sister would always chime in and say "Jamie, you are not going to die today"..She was so right!!! The future is not certain for anyway but I am certainly here now. On the other hand, The gift I was given through cancer is by truly knowing that I can make the best out of today and that I experience things in a totally different way than most. Those specials hugs from my children (they mean so much more to us), that deep breath you take when you thank God for this day (means so much more), the "I love you's from your family and friends....I could go on and on with these once simple everyday things. I am not sure that those feelings of uncertainty ever go away but they can certainly can be overshadowed by the beautiful experiences that only we have come to know so well. A friend from the board said something that also really stuck...She said, you are never really normal again..you have a new normal...Wow..how true is that... Now I embrace that fact and make the best out of it... You are now a survivor!!! God Bless You!!! Jamie
  22. Hang in there Debi. I know this is so stressful. But You had surgery 4 years ago and are doing well!!! I had a onc. tell me one time that if you survive more than 2 years w/o a recurrence then there is a VERY good chance that cancer is gone gone gone!!!! On the other hand, If I feel especially anxious I will ask my onc for an anxiety med for a couple of days prior to the scan. God Bless You!!! You Are an Inspiration!!! Jamie P.S. I have always had scans and results on the same day. I really like this format since it requires no waiting.
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