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Everything posted by MsC1210

  1. Hi Cristy and welcome~ I am sorry you and your boyfriend are in need of a site such as this one but I am so glad you have joined us. Although I cannot offer you any great advice, it does sound as if the treatments are working well for your boyfriend. There are so many wonderful people here on this site that will be along to offer you lots of great advice, information and support. Please keep us informed and let us know how we can help. Warmly Christine
  2. Allie, I responded to another of your posts but wanted to say hello and welcome here, too! Warmly Christine
  3. Hello Bob I wanted to say welcome to the boards and let you know that I will have you in my thoughts and prayers as you begin your treatment tomorrow. Please keep us posted and let us know how we can help.. Warmly Christine
  4. Hello Jane and welcome I am glad you have joined us and hope we will be able to help you and your husband along this journey. His attitude and positive thinking will serve him well! Warmly Christine
  5. Hello Erin Welcome to the boards. I am sorry about your need to be here but glad you have found us and joined. Let us know how we can help you and know that there will be someone here that is willing to answer your questions, offer advice and give you tons of support and hope! Warmly Christine
  6. Thank you Maryanne Aaron will be missed by so many. He was a beacon of strength throughout his time here with us. Like you, I was speechless and shed more than a few tears when I read of his passing. Just too young... so sad and so unfair. I hate cancer.. hate it hate it hate it. Christine
  7. Allie I'll be thinking of you and Mum tomorrow and hoping and praying that the oncologist appt goes well. Please let us know! Warm hugs Christine
  8. (((((Sue))))) No words, just hugs and prayers Christine
  9. MsC1210


    Julia I'm so very sorry. Words are just so hollow sounding right now to me and I just have nothing to add that can possibly convey my sorrow and my sadness tonight. Please know that you and Aaron and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.. Warmly Christine
  10. Hello Allie and welcome I am so sorry about your Mum's cancer but very glad you found this board and have joined us. Please continue to post and keep us informed of your Mum's treatment plan and how she AND YOU are doing. We are all here to help you through this and there are many, many wonderful people here who will be able to give you advice and information as well as support and hope as you go along. Warmly Christine
  11. MsC1210

    My Aunt

    Tina I'm so sorry Christine
  12. Becky CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you. Warmly Christine
  13. (((((Stephanie))))) No words, just my thoughts, prayers and cyber hugs Christine
  14. Renate I cannot give you any answers or advice but wanted to send you my best wishes and prayers for successful treatment! Please keep us posted Warmly Christine
  15. I am so sorry to read of Lenny's passing. My thoughts, prayers and condolences to his family and friends. Warmly Christine
  16. MsC1210

    Update on Mary

    Hawkeye, I am so very, very sorry. Please know my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and your family. My deepest condolences to you all. Warmly, Christine
  17. MsC1210

    One year

    (((((Grace))))) I knew when I woke up this morning that today was a year. I had you and the girls in my thoughts and will hold you in my prayers today as always. Warm hugs Chris
  18. MsC1210

    Update on Mary

    Hawkeye I am glad you have Mary's son and his wife there to help you. I am sorry this is happening and will continue to hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Warmly Christine
  19. MsC1210

    Update on Mary

    Hawkeye Continued thoughts and prayers for you and Mary as well as your family and friends. We are here and will be here when you are ready to vent. Warmly Christine
  20. MsC1210

    Today In History

    (((((Randy))))) Thinking of you and Deb today... Hugs Christine
  21. MsC1210


    Jill Would good quality lamination work??? Just a thought Christine
  22. Pup Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you all day. Sounds like things are going to move along well for you now. Get some rest and keep us posted. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers Christine
  23. Pup Just wanted to wish you good luck today. I will be thinking of you and praying! Warmly Christine
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