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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Connie--I will be sending prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery your way! Let us know when they set the date. Susan
  2. Cheryl, Maybe your mom was pushing you out of the paralysis! See, she is still with you and giving you advice. I"m glad to hear that you were able to use the experience to move forward. If your mom is anything like my mom, I know that she would be touched that you miss her so much, but she wouldn't want you to stop living and growing just because she wasn't there. So it sounds like she gave you a little nudge! Susan
  3. fillise

    It is over

    Barb, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I will keep your in my prayers that you will find peace and strength. You've already shown so much courage. Susan
  4. Hi and welcome to the Lung Cancer Support Community. I'm glad you found us. Yes, twists and turns are part and parcel of the LC experience! Dehydration is not something to be taken lightly (though it happens) so try to keep your dad drinking his water! It is not at all unusual to have treatemtents postponed for one reason or another. Just like you said--the new normal. Let us know how he is doing, Susan
  5. Lisa, I'm so very sorry. I will keep you in my prayers. Susan
  6. I'm glad to hear that your mom's pulmonologist seems to be more upbeat now. My mom has dealt with medical personell who haven't been very sensitive either (the PA told her that she wanted to make sure she was comfortable for whatever time she had left--SHEESH!). I still think talking to the Onc might be useful. It can also be important to remember that they struggle with what to tell patients and how too. I love the fact that your mom was skating and falling on her rear--I think that's the attitude that will beat this! Susan
  7. Welcome Christine! I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis. You will find many people here who have responded well to the carb/taxol/avistin chemo. I pray that you are among them. In the meantime don't hesititate to ask questions or to let us help you with your fears. We will stand with you. Susan
  8. Welcome Paul and Michael. You will find many stories of survivors here who will bring much hope. I remember that I was so drpressed before I found this board--it has been like a lifeline! I'm glad to hear that the treatment is working--that's great news! Susan
  9. Glad to hear that you got some positive news from the Doc. Be assured that you can always vent here. Here's hoping you won't need to! Susan
  10. Welcome Louise--we have lots of SCLC survivors here! We are glad to have you among them. Susan
  11. Jean, I can't even imagine how frightened you must be. The good news is that the brain tumors are gone. So getting your husband strong enough for chemo is important. My Mom is stage IV and four rounds of chemo have had her stable for the last 6 months. It sounds like you have been aggressive about seeking treatment options, but it is so important to find a dr(s) who will share your commitment to fighting the diease aggressively. I hope your husband is better today and even better tomorrow. We'll be here for you. Susan
  12. Shirley, I'm so sorry to read this. I will keep you in my prayers. Susan
  13. fillise

    Dadstimeon ~ Rich

    Thanks for letting us know. I will add Rich to my prayer list! Susan
  14. God bless you Nova. Sometimes when you think you've dealt with it all something comes totally out of the blue like this. It sounds like he is coping the only way he can. I know right after my mom was first diagnosed she would tell people what the Dr. said and then I would have to fo behind here and tell them "this is what the dr. really said." I think he is coping the only way he can and like you, I pray for the day when he can say it and it will be TRUE! Susan
  15. I'm happy to hear that the treatments are beginning. It seemed to make the biggest difference to my mom to know she was finally doing something about the cancer. Best of luck to you. Let us know how it goes. Susan
  16. My mother things having her port installed is the best thing she did. She doesn't know it is there and now that she is not on chemo she just needs to have it flushed out once a month. She said she didn't mind that at all. Good luck with it! Susan
  17. Congratulations Geri! I know we are all richer for the wisdom, hope, and laughs you've shared on your journey. I's now 6 pm here, so I think I'll raise a glas that won't have any juice in it to toast your anniversary! Cheers! Susan
  18. fillise


    Believe it or not, you may be lucky. Finding it early, if it is cancer, means they can operate and that's the best option for cure. Waiting to find out is so hard though. We can all identify with the paralyzing fear. So let us help you through it. Susan
  19. I hope you can convicne your husband to at least talk to an oncologist about possible treatment options. It can be treated and he doesn't have to give up. They can manage the side effects wonderfully. If you will do a search for chemo I think you will find that many of us or our loved ones found that the chemo was not nearly as bad as we feared. If nothing else, we can be a place where you can vent or cry or just say all the things you won't feel like you can say to him. Susan
  20. Welcome Amanda, sorry to hear that you are on the roller coaster again, I think you are smart to focus on the positive. Let us know what we can do to help. Susan
  21. fillise

    on the plane again

    Bucky--have a GREAT trip!!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Susan
  22. Chesney, This year has been difficult in so many ways. I've found that dealing with the cancer has taken its toll in odd ways. For example for much of this year I have done what was necessary to function at work and in the organizations I belong to, but on the weekends I would go into my house on Friday and not come out again until Monday morning. I cry at the drop of a hat and I find myself wanting to avoid anything unpleasant because so much of what I've been dealing with had been unpleasant. This journey cannot help but have a profound impact on you. It isn't a bad thing to feel sad and angry and frightened. Let us help you. Susan
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