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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Happy Birthday Hebbie - have a great day!
  2. I am so sad to hear this. Prayers for peace for Beth and strength for her family.
  3. Nancy B

    Fay A

    Just talked to Fay's husband, he said she is out of surgery, came through it just fine and is resting. He will call me later today with more information and I may even get to talk to Fay. He said that she said for me to post this. Thanks everyone for all your prayers for our dear Fay A. Nancy B
  4. Thanks Ry. Many prayers for Dean and Gay at this difficult time.
  5. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up the good fight - Lucie, you are an inspiration. Hugs to you both. Nancy B
  6. Leslie, Wonderful news. A celebration sounds in order. Prayers that you remain stable or better yet, it just all goes away. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  7. Nancy B

    FayA Update?????

    Hi Kasey, I spoke to Fay yesterday afternoon. She doesn't know yet. She seems to have some kind of infection (chills but no fever), so they are postponing surgery until they find out what is going on. I asked her to let me know as soon as she does and she said she will. I probably won't call her today as I think her kids were coming to visit today. I will post more when I know more. BTW, Fay did give me the OK to post stuff. Hugs, Nancy B
  8. Uncle Doug, so glad you surfaced. We were worried. Sorry to hear about your friend and here's hoping your next scans are much, much better. Please keep in touch - I can't wait to read your next journal entries. Hugs, Nancy B
  9. So glad to hear everything is OK. Pat, thanks. Hugs, Nancy B
  10. I saw Fay for about an hour this morning. She looks fantastic and, as always, that great attitude and sense of humor. She is such a role model for me. What a classy lady. She has really been through h*ll but is not near done with the fight. The computer in her room is really! antique. It takes her a long time to do anything on it and it is very frustrating for her. She did say she would love cards. It is going to be a long month for her. I am only about a 1/2 drive from City of Hope so I plan on spending some time there. Fay really appreciates all your prayers and cyber hugs. Nancy B
  11. Addie, I did the drug store glasses too until I thought things had settled down. I still use them sometimes. Hope things clear up for you. My prayers are with you always. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  12. I also had vision problems after 20 PCI treatments. Didn't notice it after chemo. Went to an opthomoligist also and ruled out anything serious. I waited for about 6 months after treatment so it would hopefully settle down, then I went to my eye doctor and got a new prescription. My far sight had gotten better and my near sight had worsened. So far my new glasses are working. Sometimes I still have blurring. I finished treatment last November. Hope this helps Hugs, Nancy B
  13. Katie, received mine yesterday. My gosh, what a big job sending those out. They look like they are full of really good information. Please let me know if you need any help with postage. Thanks, Nancy B
  14. I usually cry. I use to slam doors but it scares my dog, so had to stop.
  15. Lisa, I sent you a PM with my e-mail address - did you get it? Nancy B
  16. Addie, that is great. Thank you. Hugs, Nancy B
  17. Hi Kasey, I didn't have radiation to the lung but I started having back pain a few months after my surgery. I asked for a bone scan and it revealed no cancer, so I went for a bone density test. I have degenerative disc disease and arthritis in the spine. I still haven't decided what to do about it but just relieved it isn't cancer. Does an anti-inflamatory help at all? Hope you can find some relief from the pain. Hugs, Nancy B
  18. Thanks Addie. Even though I didn't reply to "her" I did waste alot of energy on what "she" was doing to us. I love your posts, Addie, your courage and humor shine through in every one. Thanks for being here. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  19. Good idea Leslie. Debi, my music tastes change almost daily so I probably, hopefully have some that you would like that I don't listen to anymore. Please let me know. I am glad the people you work with made your birthday special. Birthdays ARE special. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  20. Happy Birthday Debi - have a great celebration.
  21. Addie, so glad to hear you are feeling better. I did better on a lower dosage also. I love reading your posts - you make me laugh. Thanks Hugs, Nancy B
  22. Praying for you Joanie.
  23. Praying for nothing but good news for you Addie. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  24. Oh Addie, I am so sorry to hear this but you are a fighter. Many prayers coming your way to get through this set-back. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
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