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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. On Sunday, August 14, 2005, please join us in The Group Room from 1-3pm PT/4-6pm ET for a Lung Cancer Update. We welcome you to call in and share your stories, questions and comments with us in The Group Room with host, Selma Schimmel. Guests of The Group Room will include: Barbara Gitlitz, MD, Director, Lung, Head and Neck Program, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA The Group Room can be heard live every Sunday from 1-3pm PT/4-6pm ET and is simulcast live on the Internet. To listen live on the Internet, listen to past shows, or get a list of stations, go to www.vitaloptions.org. To email a question during the broadcast, please send it to: info@vitaloptions.org. To participate on the broadcast, please call 1-800-GRP-ROOM (1-800-477-7666). Cancer Survivors, Family Members, Cancer Advocacy Organizations and Healthcare Professionals, we welcome your voices, comments and questions in The Group Room. Thank you and warm regards, Vital Options International and The Group Room radio program
  2. Nancy B


    Hi Elaine, My husband had an acoustic neuroma 20 years ago. It was a benign tumor, but he ignored the symptoms for a long time (he doesn't like doctors) so it grew quite large. The tumor destroyed his hearing nerve and his facial nerve. They did say that if he had waited much longer it could have gotten to his brain stem (not good). However, he did have the surgery (quite invasive) and is doing just fine today (he is deaf in his left ear). Best wishes to both of you, Nancy B
  3. Hi Melody, welcome. Five years ago I had my left upper lobe removed (NSCLC 6cm tumor). I had a ct guided needle biopsy that confirmed cancer before the surgery. Just last year I developed a nodule in the lower left lobe - it was too deep in my lung and too close to my heart to biopsy so I had surgery. But, they only took out the tumor (1cm SCLC) and got clean edges around it and I still have some left lung left. I then had chemo and PCI. It is my understanding that they can go in, remove the nodule and do a preliminary biopsy while you are in surgery to see if it is cancer or not, and then proceed accordingly. I would see about another opinion, but I would also move quickly. Let me know if I can be of any help. Good luck to you. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  4. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNIE Hope you have a great day - you deserve it. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  5. I would love to have one of these and also would like to help with shipping costs if anyone needs it. Thanks for all you do. Nancy B
  6. Cindi, I have heard good things about it but haven't tried it. A lady at my church was selling it acouple of years ago. I was in a Wild Oats Market last week and saw that they carry it. Let me know how it works. Thanks, Nancy B
  7. Hi Maryanne, Please add me to the DVD list. Thanks, Nancy B
  8. I would love to see the tape too. Thanks Nancy B
  9. Dear Peggy, I am so very sorry to hear this. I am saying many prayers for you and your family. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  10. Debi, I am so glad you were back on here again. I hope I don't miss you this time. You have always been so supportive of everyone on here - I so enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for being here. (and your little boy is soooooo cute). Love and hugs, Nancy B
  11. Nancy, I finished chemo and 20 PCI treatments last November and didn't feel really good for over a month. But you should never dismiss pain. I was having pain in my spine not too long ago, so I called my onc and requested a bone scan. They ordered it and everything is fine. I would insist on a scan. With sclc we just can't take any chances and I let all my doctors know that I don't intend to let anything slide. Take care and I am praying for you. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  12. I just saw Cathy's death notice in the Los Angeles Times this morning. At the end it said "Through her illness Cathy found support through the online Lung Cancer Support Community. Donations to help them continue their mission are appreciated. www.lchelp.org" Wasn't that sweet of her family to do that? My prayers are with them.
  13. I also lit a candle for Cathyr - I will miss her. Prayers for her family.
  14. Happy Birthday Dean and sure hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Nancy B
  15. Thanks Fay - this is good to know. I never thought about it, I just assumed they were getting everything.
  16. This is so, so sad. David is at peace now and free from the terrible pain he had. I pray for Karen, Faith, his parents and Becky that they will be comforted at this time. God, please be with all of them. Nancy B
  17. Hi Nancy, I agree with Addie about the reasons for having PCI. I had 20 treatments last November. I was on low-dose Decadron for brain swelling (no big deal). I would go for my treatment at 8:15am and then drive to work. My ears got really red, but there are creams for that. I had some fatigue but nothing I couldn't handle and still work. I am having some minor balance problems and some short term memory problems, but I think that is the age (58) more than the radiation. My husband is having the same problem and he didn't have radiation and is 2 years younger than me! I would definitely do it again. My hair is coming back in slowly but surely. If you have any questions, please pm me, I'll be glad to give you my number if you want to talk. Take care. Nancy B
  18. Melanie, Many prayers going your way for a clear MRI. Enjoy the summer with your kids. Hugs and Prayers, Nancy B
  19. Carleen, so glad to see you back posting again but sorry that things are going the way they are. Never give up hope. I am praying for a miracle for you guys. Come back and post when you feel like it - the most important thing is to take care of yourselves first. We know you support us, you don't have to tell us. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  20. Nancy B

    Scan results

    Yea Nina - so glad to hear your good news. Hugs, Nancy B
  21. Frank, I just know you will be in the 15% - you have such a positive attitude. So glad to see that you're pro-active with your care. My oncologist told me "your diligence is what has gotten you this far" I have a tendency to be a little pushy when I want a test or whatever. Just keep up the good attitude - I can't tell you how many times your posts have pulled me out of a funk. You hang in there and just know that I am praying for you. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  22. Thanks Donna, I too missed this so I am glad you kicked it back up Fay. I wish I had known about the thing in Florida, I would have loved to go. Where do you hear about these happenings? Thanks for the info. Nancy B
  24. Hi Nancy, I had 20 PCI treatments and it wasn't bad at all. They put me on a low dose of decadron due to brain swelling (headache) and that fixed that. My hair did fall out again (what little had come back after chemo) but it is slowly but surely coming back. I finished treatments the end of November. I would definitely do it again. I would go for my treatment at 8:15 every morning and then drive to work. Best of luck to you. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Nancy B
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