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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. That is awful I am so sorry Not sure what to even say
  2. Fay---is this the link about tumor testing? http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... or+testing
  3. Angie, I didn't read all the other posts b/c I am on quickly, so not sure if I am repeating. Just wanted to say that I am so sorry you have all of this stress. And this time of year makes it that much harder. I have a feeling your dad just wants to make things easier on you in case the time comes. When my mom was diagnosed last November, the first thing she wanted, like ASAP, was her burial plot in CA. My parents had plots in NY, but my mom didn't want us to have to ship her there and go there, etc, so she wanted burial plots and left it to me to get the job done. On THANKSGIVING DAY last year we picked out the plots and bought them. It just gave her peace of mind that we wouldn't have to deal with it later on. So DO NOT look at it like your dad will need it now, he just wants it done to make things easier for you. Hang strong. You are doing an amazing job with everything!
  4. Thanks for the update Karen I am so glad things seem a bit calmer. It is no wonder you got sick from all the stress. I hope you feel better. Have fun house hunting!
  5. I don't know if this is worth bubkas, but I wonder if people in the study were "tested" before hand to see if they were likely to benefit from Iressa. I remember after my mom's surgery the oncologist send out the tissue for further testing and said her tumor had a characteristic or protein or a something that they look for in Iressa use. Not all lung cancers have that particular "thing". I know, I sound so scientific Anyway, just my random thoughts. Each oncologist should know what is best. And thankfully Tarceva just came out if Iressa is not right for someone.
  6. The picture of Katie is adorable!!!! Thanks for sharing
  7. This is so disappointing. However I am hoping that Iressa does help a certain sector and once they find that sector, people can be treated accordingly. I bet oncologist offices are being flooded with calls today
  8. How disappointing. My dad said he heard somethng about it on the news today too.
  9. Andrea

    Round 3

    Suck a duck I am sorry you have to deal with this. But you are a real fighter!! Go Betty go!
  10. Just following up on Karen/David C to see how everyone is doing/coping. Whether the spa gift certificate was used, etc. I dont like coping myself. It is hard sometimes :) Love to all.
  11. TOTALLY UNRELATED to Heather's post and the topic at issue, but Cheryl's quote hit home for me and my own neurotic issues worrying about every lump or bump or cough or mouth sore, etc. Sometimes I live in such fear of what may happen to me or someone I love that I don't live as full as I should. Thanks for that Cheryl.
  12. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing only good things
  13. I don't read any neurosis or need for therapy in Heather's post. I would have the same concern. It makes sense to me logically that if you can smell it, you are inhaling it. Like with the California fires in the past, when they were really bad and you could SMELL the smoke for miles---people with Asthma and lung disease were told to stay indoors.
  14. My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry for your loss
  15. Could you maybe tell your supervisor that you know it sounds wierd, and you understand that everyone has a right to smoke, but when this person comes back and you get a big whiff it just reminds you of lung cancer and it makes you a bit anxious--so can you have another workspace. You can also say that when you smell it you gag and since you had lung surgery and all, it is extra important that your air be pure. They might understand. Totally unrelated, but an example of an office issue-- my firm does med mal and there was this huge poster sized blow up picture of a lung being stored right outside of my office in the hall. After awhile it got to me b/c I kept staring it and I said "uh, you really gotta move this from me b/c I am nuts", and then it was turned around
  16. I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad though that your dad is at peace. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and your family
  17. Peggy, I am sending good vibes your way! I was about to type that I remember a story of someone not liking the looks of a scan and it was eyeballs he was seeing. Cheryl beat me to the punch
  18. Very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
  19. Beth, Hopefully the side effects will diminish! I just went to the Tarceva website and learned that Tarceva comes in 3 doages, 25mg, 50 and 150. It said recommended was 150, which is what you said you are on. They are starting my mom at only 25mg, probably b/c of the Iressa reaction. So hopefully her body will take this better and then she can build up higher to the 150 over time. I wonder if this will make her less scared to take the drug, i should call her now. And yes, I am talking out loud to myself Please keep us posted Beth with how you are doing!!!!
  20. Ry said exactly what I wanted to say/was trying to say in a more eloquent way
  21. Curtis, The thing I learned the most from on line dating is that even if you think you know the person really well from e-mails, you never fully know about them until you meet. Shelia just wasn't right--try not to take much offense by her statement because really, what do you know about her? I mean is she someone that you totally respect the opinion of and know really well? Probably not For Shelia mentioning Becky once might have been more than she could handle, so she is not right. Oh those on line dating days. I met my ex boyfriend who I dated for 2 years on line. And before him I did LOTS of dating from on line (I was hookded on JDATE) and some people who sounded great, just weren't, and vice versa. And then there is Brian my husband--met him on JDATE too. With Brian, I didn't think there would be a connection from the e-mails. But I went out with him for a "practice date". That was the BEST thing I ever did.
  22. Sharyn, I dont know what to say, I am just so sorry. Sending lots of prayers your way
  23. Beth, My mom has not started yet, so I can't compare. But Iressa gave her the major tummy issues. My goodness could she RUN to the bathroom!!!!!!! You should call your onc, they can maybe prescribe something to help the side effects be a little bit less. I think my mom took some of the stuff she took while on ch emo for the tummy issues. Hang in there! I also remember with Iressa the oncologist said that the side effects should lessen a bit after teh body gets used to the toxicity of the drug. As for side effects of Iressa/Tarceva, I heard that they are virtually identical. So you can maybe see what helped people cope with the Iressa side effects.
  24. Curtis, You don't sound out of balanced to me at all. You sound IN BALANCE and you can see and know what you need emotionally and what you don't. Dating is tough for the avreage person and you have other circumstances, so it makes it harder for you. I am VERY in awe at how in tune you are with your feeings, most men are not like that. I hopp you keep it up, keep getting your feet wet, this is a great experience for you.
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