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Everything posted by NellW

  1. Prayers on the way! Love, Nell
  2. Oh Lisa, I am so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. Love Nell
  3. What great news!! Hope you have some time to rest and recuperate now. All of you!! Love Nell
  4. Woo Hooo Cher! Sounds like a worthy adventure!! Prayers surrounding you on with this trial. Love Nell
  5. He was done with radiation about 3 weeks ago, and has been better pain wise but all of a sudden he is having horrible pain in his hip and down one leg. Jo is right now calling the onc. She didn''t know if that was what she should do but I did convince her they would want to know about new severe pain. He is on duragesic 100 patch and motrin 800. She says he looks awful today and seems to her to be detiorating all of a sudden almost overnight. Don't know what to think. Also OT I fell on the ice last night. Spent 6 hours in ER, got 2 CT scans and lots of xrays, 2 stitches in the back of my head, a big lump there, very very sore arm but not broken. Lots of blood, YUK. Also have a little concussion so I feel pretty crappy, but I am actually fine, wanted to ask for prayers for Bob. Love Nell
  6. NellW

    Daddy is home....

    Dear Sharyn, What a precious story you shared with us. So sorry about your loss, but so glad to hear of your peace. Love Nell
  7. Thanks Curtis and Katie. That was wonderful, and such an inspiration! Love Nell
  8. NellW

    7 degrees

    Hi Cindi, Nippy here too, but not quite that cold I don't believe! Hope you get good parking spaces and fast service at all the places you have to go, and that the pulm. can do something to help you stay off those nasty steroids!! I have CHF and I hate em a lot! Not taking any right now and hope like you to not take them again! Love Nell
  9. Peggy, You sending prayers that you are not a good MRI reader, and that you can have peace till you see the doc. Here's hoping you have a story to add to the rest of these! Love Nell
  10. NellW


    Happy Friday to you too, Peggy! The kitties are adorable, dancing or not!
  11. Sharyn, You are in my prayers and I know you will do this part as well as you have all the rest. You are a wonderful daughter. Love Nell
  12. NellW

    My Angel

    Hip hip hurrraaaaayyyyyyy! Thank you Lord!!!!! What a good bit of news this is. Now maybe someone will get to the bottom of this whole thing for you. Love Nell
  13. Love these too, Becky. Gotta print em and stick around my house too!
  14. NellW

    Update on Bob..

    Good morning my dear friends! Wanted to check on all of you and give an update on Bob. He has finished 3 weeks of radiation to L4, and is on Lupron for the prostate. Sees the medical and radiation oncologists both first part of January. His pain is much less right now, just kind of a shadow of what it was, but he has lost a bit of weight and is very worn out. All in all though he is feeling much better because of the pain reduction. I am hoping Jo and Bob will have a little rest before they deal with much more. He is scheduled sometime in the next week or so for a ct of his kidney, there is a new spot there. Prayers for you all, and thanking God for Bob's respite from pain! Love Nell
  15. Lisa, I am so sorry you are going through all this. Prayers coming your way for good scans for both of you. Love Nell
  16. What a wonderful blessing those girls must be to you. I know mine are, and they have hatched us the sweetest grandkids ever! As everyone says, just wait for those blessings to multiply again when they get kids of their own, its awesome!! I agree with Katie, so glad you can all celebrate together in good health! love Nell
  17. NellW

    In house...

    Wow, FINALLY!! You must be so relieved to be in that house!!! Now you can just relax and nest there and have a really great Christmas with lots of good memories. Love Nell
  18. Paddy, The memorial sounds so beautiful. My heart aches for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Nell
  19. Hi Dr. Joe! You can come here and whine all you want, shoot, we do! I think, like Katie said earlier that we get a real glimpse into the kind of guy you are because you come here simply because you care about your patients, and wage war on the disease you fight everyday on behalf of others. Thanks for what you do and who you are. Nell
  20. What a wonderful time to celebrate! Your post made my day. I just saw it!! It occurs to me that Bob will be having one of these to mark very soon, in January. It sure is a new normal, but life is good. May you have many more of these anniveraries to celebrate. Hope we can be of some support if the new person posts ! Love Nell
  21. James, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for you and your family.
  22. Oh Peggy, I have sure been in that place! I live in MI. and one of our daughters moved to Albuquerque several years ago. It felt like someone yanked my heart out even though I knew it was a good move for her and her family. She is happy there, and we see her fairly often, but I do know how it feels to hate having all those miles between you. Praying for you to be brave and for his trip to be good and for his new adventure to be a blessing. Love Nell
  23. Just saw this Elaine! I sure hope too that this is our answer to prayer. Lots of them coming at ya! Love Nell
  24. NellW

    Anna Shearing

    Geoff and Melinda, What a wonderful Mom she must have been. I am so sorry for your loss. I know she will be with you always though, and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love Nell
  25. NellW


    Glad to hear you are doing well, Rachel. It is so cool when you get a great doc too. I know there is no place like home, though . Hope the weekend trip is fun and relaxing. Nell
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