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Everything posted by NellW

  1. Shelly, It's good that you are there the way you are for your sister. Sisters are a very precious commodity. Praying for both of you and for her pain to subside fast. Love Nell
  2. David, Ouch is right, broke ribs before myself, but please do rest and take care of yourself so you can heal. Praying for you to heal quickly and well. Try not to get into too much trouble while you are off work .
  3. NellW

    CT Results

    Great news, and pic is very nice!
  4. It sounds like a perfect trip. Have a great time. Love Nell
  5. NellW

    Mental Being

    Don, Wonderful post and great pic. We needed a post like yours today. Thanks!
  6. We will miss you Joe, come back soon and have a fun safe, and enlightening trip.
  7. NellW

    Couldn't resist..

    Her name is Corinne Joy. Fits her I think! She is soo funny and entertaing. Was at her house when she went to bed tonight and she said "Go to Gamma's house and pick a yogurt when Coco (her nickname) wakes up?" She spends Thursday with me every week while her Mom is at work and she loves to "shop" for breakfast in my fridge. She likes to choose her yogurt flavor and take her nap on "Gamma's pretty pillows". She is the youngest of my 17 grandkids and I adore em all!
  8. Avatar is a pic of my youngest grandbaby. She is 21 mo. and is the joy of my life! Wanted to share her with you all.
  9. Now here this!!! Frank, do you see who it is that is endorsing checks, making deposits, and also balancing check book???
  10. Dear Joni, I sure don't have any wise answers, and there are lots of others who have been where you are here and can probably give you better comfort, but I wanted to say my heart aches for you, and that you need time to begin to figure out how to go on with your life and keep your Dear Roberts memory alive for Alex. None of us really understands this stuff, and I can't imagine how angry it must make you when you think of the things that might have helped if they had not been overlooked! Please know you are in my prayers, as is Alex, and I will stop right now and say a specific one for you to feel God's support and comfort today. Love, Nell
  11. Sandy that is sooo incredible!!!! Good job girl!
  12. NellW

    I am Back!!

    Glad you are home safe Cindy, and the trip sounds wonderful. Also glad your scans are clear! Gotta say though, you sure do have a very FULL life ! Hope those daughters of yours weather their storms well, and that life becomes a bit slower around there. Love Nell
  13. NellW

    Dean Carl~

    Dean and Gay, I'm praying for more good days for you both and Dean we miss you here so much. You have always been so kind and supportive to all of us, and I hope this thread gets read to you so we can let you know how much we think of you . Love, Nell
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and many fun things to make you laugh!!! Can't believe that doggie is getting so very big! Hope its not a lap dog.. Have a wonderful celebration, chocolate and all! Love Nell
  15. Oh Paddy, and David, what a nasty experience. Thank goodness it was seasoned by the sweetness of a good nurse the one night! Hope you have a great visit with Karen, and no more of that blood business. Love, Nell
  16. NellW

    Two Whole Years

    Best apples I ever heard of!!! Hurray for both of you! Those statistics are made to be smashed to pieces. Love Nell
  17. NellW

    Ya know..

    It occurred to me the other day that all of you have actually influenced my life very heavily (in a good way, of course). All the things that I might have moaned about previously seem like things that are very small and not much to worry about. You are all so brave and I am so glad to know you all, caregivers and survivors both. Your outlook on life has blessed me and changed me into a much more positive person.. so thanks!! I don't sweat the small stuff anymore! Life is too precious for that. Love, Nell
  18. Well Shoot!! If six is mealsy.. what is my miniscule three?? But.. I was injured this month and umm.. swelling ... you know, must weigh something right?? Ah well, onward and downward. Just found out I gotta have therapy and traction for my neck from the accident starting this week, hurts like heck, and also gotta have more xrays of my wrist.. they think it is acutally broke, so will a cast be put on which weighs more, kinda like Ry's weights.. hehe.
  19. Hi Don, Glad Lucie is doing well with this treatment, and she sounds like her attitude is so wonderful. Hoping to hear great news at the end of all this. Love, Nell
  20. David, thank you so very much for your support for our loved ones. You do look great with no hair, I agree! I also agree that a book written by you would be very inspirational.
  21. Oh My, look at you!! You do clean up good!! Very nice picture, and it sound like a wonderful day.
  22. Oh Ann, I am so sorry you and your neighbors are going through such a horrible time! I wish I could come help you. Sure hope no more of these nasty storms come your way. How heartbreaking too, to have to throw out meaningful things that you have had for years. Thinking of you and all our East Coast friends. Love, Nell
  23. Ellen, It sounds like a good decision, and we will be here cheering you both on! Love, Nell
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