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Everything posted by NellW

  1. Gosh, Rich, that's a scarey sounding experience! Hoping that pain can be managed and that nothing new turns up. Nell
  2. Karen and Paddy, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for God's comfort and presence to surround you. Love Nell
  3. NellW


    My Dear Friend, I am sooo mad!!!!! I agree with Cindi and Fay, let some of us advocate for you if that would work. I am a great communicator and can write to anyone you think would help us. And.. I think if that pain does not seem at least a bit better by morning you need to go to ER. Praying for you and Gary Love Nell
  4. Elaine Dear, I am just sick to hear this! Constant prayers Love Nell
  5. He is going tomorrow to get his marking. Can some of you tell us what to expect with this round? It's all new to him. He will have a 3 week round of Mon. thru Fri. with an evaluation every Moday, whatever that entails. Then the doc will decide if more is needed. I won't be surprised if chemo follows. Also, for some reason the onc feels he has one kidney that is not functioning right. There was no new stage or prognosis given, but that did not surprise me either, since neither Bob or Jo would ask for that I am sure. Tomorrow night we are listening to both doc visits on tape, and Jo has asked us to take notes for them to go over together after we hear what was said. I think they feel overwhelmed. He is also not doing well with slowing down the prostate cancer as far as the onc can see. PSA is still rising. Any hints on doing well with rad. are welcome. I think Art and I are going to take him to some of those appts. Thanks Love Nell
  6. You've been in my prayers and on my mind too. Glad to hear from you. Sheesh, I hate incompetence in docs. Bob has gone through so much of that with his primary. Keep us updated Love Nell
  7. NellW

    I'm Still Here

    Bruce, I am so happy to see your post. Was thinking last night it had been awhile and hoping things were ok. That is terrible about the insurance stuff! It's such a nasty thing to put someone through that fight when one is so busy battling a disease! Love Nell
  8. This is sad news, and I am sure this is a rough time for you, with trying to get there soon and all. I am so glad you have good friends there who will keep in touch. Praying for you family. Love Nell
  9. It is as we thought, sadly. The onc said today he has bone mets to spine, and he also said , and I quote, "there is no reason for you to endure this kind of pain!" He sees the radiation onc tomorrow. The onc is just beginning to treat him, and is ordering all other tests to be sent to him as well. Bob and Jo taped this visit and we are going there later to listen. They sound really weary. Bob told the doc he has no strength to fight at all, and his answer was that the pain is a major contributing factor to that, and that he will be able to reduce it quite a bit. He says Bob will be pretty tired with the radiation and the pain meds. Not sure what all else he said but I will know more after hearing the tape. Thanks for all you prayers for Bob and Jo, and please pray for the radiation to help! Love and prayers to all Nell
  10. Dear Paddy, I agree with Peggy, this really stinks! Know our prayers are with you, and thank you so much for updating us. Love Nell
  11. Angie, You are a very loving daughter. I agree with Jane that he needed to say what was on his heart, but that must have taken courage to listen to. Prayers for you and your family. Love Nell
  12. Whew.. been waiting to hear! So glad the spots are not cancer. Hate to see you have another thing to deal with. Prayers continuing Love Nell
  13. There is no better news to read!!!! I think thank you prayers for this awesome answer are in order and I am saying them right now!!! Love Nell
  14. So good to see your post Cheryl. I like NED too!!
  15. Amy, I am so sorry to hear this. It seems so miserable for just one more painful thing to come along for her to bear, and you as well. Praying for this to resolve itself fast. And it is true as has already been sad, your Mom knows you would be there if you could.
  16. NellW

    Update on Pops

    KK, Praying for you and your mom and pop. What a good daughter you are. This is such a hard thing for you to carry, but you seem to be doing a wonderful job of supporting your parents.
  17. Debi, I will be saying a prayer for you that those nasty goblins get out quick and stay out! Hoping for a good restful night for you. Love Nell
  18. NellW

    Update on Bob

    Just wanted to let you all know he had the lumbar biopsy to find out if his mets are from the prostate or the lung on Thursday. Sees the onc on Wed. for treatment plan. He is very sick. They did the vertebroplasty procedure as well and we are not sure what he should expect as far as pain now, but he is hurting so bad he is not able to even move around enough to use the bathroom!! It didn't seem like the hospital expected it to be that bad. They called to check on him yesterday morning and we let them know he was in a lot of pain. They seemed to think that would lessen quickly, but so far it has not. Art and I are going there tonight for awhile with dinner and hope he can eat a bit. Jo is very scared and worried, and we hope to give her some tlc as well. Please send a prayer their way. Thanks so much Love Nell
  19. Hi Cat, Have been in and out a lot the last few days and somehow missed this. I am so sorry about all you are going through. Prayers coming.
  20. Just saw this Curtis,and said a prayer for Paul. Hope all goes well.
  21. Angie, Prayers for you and your loved ones. I know how hard it is to watch Bob with the spine pain he has had, and not be able to help. love nell
  22. NellW

    The Long Version

    Cindi, Your news is a reason to celebrate and breathe easier. I did a cartwheel in my heart when I read it, wish I could do one on the outside. Wow, what a relief for you! Love Nell
  23. NellW


    Well, cuteness does matter in these things! And I am a Detroit Tiger fan who is very glad our season was at least a ton better this year, but then the Yanks kick our butt too, as do the Twins sometimes. Nell
  24. NellW

    Message from Cat

    So glad to hear she is keeping in touch. Thanks Jane!
  25. Karen, Thanks so much for updating us on your Mom and Dad. I am keeping them in my prayers too. Bob has ox. also, and it works fine for him. He has the portable as well and can go out with it. Sure hope it helps and that he can get the treatment he needs quicker than next week. Love Nell
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