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Everything posted by jean44

  1. jean44

    Alf's cat

    Beth, I remember the New Zoo Review-unfortunately, it was from my daughters childhood and not mine! (now I am telling my age) I loved Henrietta-she was so sweet! It was a great show for kids. Jean
  2. jean44

    No birtday card

    Kathi, It seems like it is the "everyday" things that keep us remembering and missing our loved ones. We are awaiting the arrival of my niece's baby anyday now (doctor says it will be this week!) and we are all so excited. It will be my sister's first grandchild. In the midst of all the happiness this baby is bringing, our family is thinking also of Dad and how much he would have loved his new great-grandchild. My niece has chosen (whether it be a boy or girl) to name her baby after Dad. It is wonderful that your Dad and you shared so much and you will always have those memories. Jean
  3. jean44

    Alf's cat

    Addie, Thank you so much reminding us of Alf. My husband and I use to watch it every week with our daughter (she is now 24) and have such fond memories. I loved Alf. My daughter got a kitten when she was 6 years old and named it after Lucky (the cat) on Alf. We had Lucky for almost 19 years (we just lost her in April). Thanks for the memories today. You brought a smile to my face. Good luck and prayers coming your way! Jean
  4. Peggy, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. You are in my prayers. Jean
  5. Val, We lost my Dad to lung cancer 18 months ago. I remember being in the hospital room when Dad's Oncologist told him that we needed to call Hospice. It was like a punch in the stomach, we knew his treatments were over and nothing more could be done. I remember being so scared! Hospice supported us and kept Dad's pain under control for the next 7 weeks until we lost him. They were wonderful people who attended to Dad with the best of care. My prayers for your Mom, you, and your family as you journey onto this path. Jean
  6. Val, We lost my Dad to lung cancer 18 months ago. I remember being in the hospital room when Dad's Oncologist told him that we needed to call Hospice. It was like a punch in the stomach, we knew his treatments were over and nothing more could be done. I remember being so scared! Hospice supported us and kept Dad's pain under control for the next 7 weeks until we lost him. They were wonderful people who attended to Dad with the best of care. My prayers for your Mom, you, and your family as you journey onto this path. Jean
  7. Gail, A few months ago I started having some dizzy spells and also had vertigo. I was about to lose my mind when it started because I lost my Daddy to lung cancer with mets to the brain 18 months ago. My first thought when the dizzy spells came was brain tumors because of my Daddy. From experience as a caregiver for a cancer patient it sure makes you more aware of things that before you may have ignored. The doctor prescribed some "motion sickness" pills and the dizziness went away in 3-4 days and hasn't returned. Good luck!
  8. jean44


    Kel, I am so sorry that you are at the point you are with your Mom. I was there with my Dad, can relate to your feelings, and know it is a hard road to travel. It is so hard to watch someone you love so much decline. I also did not want to lose my Dad but, in the end all I wished for him was peace and a painless journey to Heaven. Your Mom, you, and your family will be in my prayers at this difficult time. Jean
  9. Peggy, My Dad had not been feeling well for awhile but, did not go to the doctor until he had a knot come up around his neck. It was cancer that was in his lymphnodes as well as lung cancer. That was how it started for us. I hope and pray that Don's issue is non-cancer related. Jean
  10. Doug, I think that was a great response to the PM you received. I also agree that most people are here on this board for support and NOT confrontation. Everyone has strong opinions on this issue as it has been discussed here before. We lost my Dad to lung cancer and I get so tired of people (even today) asking if he smoked. It didn't matter to me if he did or not the issue was I lost him. Ginny, I also think what you did for your beloved Earl to help make his final days a little more bearable was a true testament of your love for him. I would have done the same for my Dad if he would have ask and had let the family know my intentions. He stopped smoking at his diagnosis so I was never put in that position. It is hard to say what you would do in any situation unless you have been there yourself.
  11. jean44

    my husband

    Nancy, I am so sorry to hear about your husband feeling bad when this should be such a special time for your family. We lost my Dad to lung cancer on Tuesday (Oct. 14, 2003) my niece (his granddaughter) was married on Friday (Oct. 17, 2003) and we buried my Dad on Saturday (Oct. 18,2003). I will never forget the emotions of that week but, we as a family pulled together and made it through. I am hoping that Mike will be there with your daughter when she walks down the aisle. What a testament to the kind of man he is that his step-daughter has ask him to do such an honor. I will be praying that things work out for your family and Mike is feeling better soon! Jean Jean
  12. Angie, I am so sorry to hear that you are so sad. You do have some difficult tasks ahead of you. We lost my Dad to lung cancer Oct. 2003. After Dad found out he had brain mets the first thing he wanted to do was go purchase cemetery plots. We did. We bought them as a family and will all be there together. It was something that he really wanted to do and he seemed so relieved once it was done. Then he wanted to buy Mom a new car. Nothing wrong with the one she had, he just wanted to know when something happened to him she would have a new car to last her for awhile. Those were some of the bigger things. There were also alot of little things he did (cleaned out the garage, threw away clothes, etc.) that broke our hearts to watch him do but, it was so important to him. After we lost Dad we were glad that he had took care of the things he felt were important to him. Like I said, it broke our hearts but, it made him feel better. I also know the guilt feeling. I still feel guilty today because when Dad started chemo and radiation he told his oncologist that he was doing it for his kids. If it wasn't for us he would not have went through the treatment. After seeing what the chemo and radiation did to him I felt guilty that he went through that for me. It is still with me. Keep your chin up and I will be praying for your Dad, you, and your family. Jean
  13. jean44

    The Holidays

    Kim, Thank you for the beautiful words. You are so right about our loved ones who are no longer here. I have had the blahs missing my Dad so much this year and my spirits have been lifted since reading your post. Blessings to you, your Dad and your family this holiday season. Jean
  14. Lillian, Thanks so much for your thought provoking words. I too, celebrate Christmas as the day of Christ birth and have included this thinking throughout all of the years of celebrating Christmas with my husband and daughter. I wouldn't have it any other way. Blessings to you and yours this holiday season. Jean
  15. Berisa, Praying for your Mom and hoping all goes well. God Bless, Jean
  16. jean44

    wedding anniversary

    MJ, We lost my Dad to lung cancer a little over a year ago and my Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary is Dec. 18th. I have thought about this for quite awhile and it just breaks my heart. We have ask her three best friends to be with her to keep her occupied after she goes to the cemetery to visit with Dad. I know this will be such a hard day for her and us kids as well. I am glad that your Dad and you were able to go to visit your Mom together and he did okay. I am hoping the same for my Mom. Cancer sucks! God Bless, Jean
  17. jean44

    saying thank you

    I never went back to visit with Dad's oncologist after we lost him but, I did send him a card thanking him for the treatment and respect he had given my Dad when he was ill and I also took a few minutes to thank him personally when Dad left the hospital and went under Hospice care at home. He was so good to Dad and I still think of him often.
  18. Angie, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad's news. My Dad also had lung cancer with mets to his brain. When we lost him there was 16. Two that were bleeding. Dad had already did the chemo for the lung cancer when the brain mets were found. Like your Dad, my Dad had no indications of the brain mets-no headaches, dizziness, forgetfulness, pain or anything. They did sterotactic radiation but, it didn't work. My Dad's big concern when they found the mets was that he would not loose his mind (he kept telling the doctors this). Shortly before we lost him, he did have a slight problem concentrating on what he wanted to say but, he did really well. We lost hope the day we lost Dad. Until then, we always had hope and prayers that things could change and remember sometimes they do! Will keep your Dad, you, and your family in my prayers.
  19. Joan, I know how this must be consuming you (it probably would me too) but I think that at this point only God would have the true answser to your question. Not trying to "sugar coat" things for you but, from what my family understood Dad's oncologist to say was that the rupture in his brain or the seizures could cause instant death. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this worry as well as the loss of your Mom. I hope in time you can find peace with all of this. I am trying really hard to replace the memories of my Dad when he was sick with the great memories of him when he was well. I know I have to get past remembering how he was when he was ill to have some sort of peace of mind. I have faith that in time I will accomplish this. Keeping you in my thoughts. Jean
  20. jjoan, We lost my Dad last Oct. to lung cancer with mets to his brain. He also had stereotactic radiation to tumors in his brain but, unfortunately it did not help. Dad had 16 small tumors and they had found that two were bleeding. The doctor had also told us that the ones that were bleeding could rupture and cause instant death. He also told us that if Dad were to have a seizure from the brain tumors it could cause him to die. We feel fortunate that neither of the above happened and we lost him peacefully at home. I don't know if any of this is of any help but just wanted to let you know what we experienced. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Jean
  21. Melanie, Great attitude! I lost my Dad to lung cancer and he fought with everything he had and the doctors had to beat this beast. He was a fighter and knew that if he "gave up" he had no hope. The only hope to beat cancer is to fight back! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Jean
  22. Elaine, All political thoughts aside (I don't believe they belong in a lung cancer support web site) as I AM one of the compassionate Republicans some of you refer to, I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers. You and your husband have both gotten a rotten deal and no one should be treated in this manner. I do believe with God, all things are possible. Jean
  23. Terra, Am praying for good results on your Mom's test. I noticed you are from Cincinnati. My family is from Ohio and my Dad was treated in Cincinnati for his lung cancer. He had a wonderful oncologist there by the name of Dr. Hawley. He was a God-send and did everything he could for Dad. Sending good thoughts your way. Jean
  24. jean44

    Dad news

    Karen, So sorry to hear about your Dad but am glad that he has a wonderful doctor and nurses who are looking after him. I also know that once hospice is mentioned it kind of slaps you in the face. I remember going through that with my Dad as well. But, IF it gets to the point where your Mom does need them, they are a wonderful group of people who can supply much needed help for your Mom. My prayers are with you and your family. Jean
  25. Maryann, So sorry to hear about your Aunt. Prayers going out for your Aunt, you and your family. Jean
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