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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. I am so sorry to here of Elizabeth's passing. The obituary you wrote for her is just beautiful. May God be with you and everyone that was close to her to give you strength in the days ahead. Sue
  2. TAnn, Thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are. Hope Don and Lucie are doing okay , also. Love, Sue
  3. Continued prayers for BethS. and Bill. Love, Sue
  4. Karen, You can add my prayers for good scans and test results. Love, Sue
  5. Leslie, We have bluecross/blueshield and we used the mail service , Caremark. Our copay was $25.00 on Tarceva. Sue
  6. That's wonderful news, Jamie. I'm so happy for you and your friend. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    Back again.

    Paddy, It's great to hear from you again. Your new condo sounds lovely and it's wonderful that you are near your family . Hope you will check in when you can. You have been missed. Love, Sue
  8. A very Happy Birthday to Pat and Addie!!!! Hope you both have done something very special for yourselves, you deserve it. Love, Sue
  9. Thanks again to everyone and a special thanks to my friend, Tess. It is because of Tess that I have met all of you. Tess, I know you have had a very painful couple years , losing your husband, Rob and your mother to lung cancer. I think of you so often and pray you are doing okay. Will email you soon. Have missed hearing from you. I guess Mike will start on the prednisone today 40 mg. to help his breathing. He has nicknamed himself "Spot" because of the horrible rash that has run together so bad, he looks like one big, ugly, red spot. We are hoping the side effects can be reversed. He was feeling so well before he started the Tarceva.. He's a fighter... so here we go.. Love you guys.. Love, Sue
  10. Cindi, You are always full of surprises. We never know what you will be up to next, but one thing we can be sure of is that you will touch the heart of everyone you meet. You're the best Cindi. Hope you are feeling better. The story about the doctor really helps to restore my faith in people, but I do hope your next visit with him will be on a happier occasion.. Love, Sue
  11. Fred, it's so nice to hear from you on Kasey's anniversary. As you can see, we all love Kasey. She's one in a million. I love her to pieces (as the kid in me would say it.. ). Her kindness has gone a long way toward helping me on many occasions. I hope she knows how much she is loved. I think she has a pretty fantastic hubby too. Love, Sue
  12. Happy Anniversary Kasey and To Many Many More... clink clink Love, Sue
  13. Go and enjoy Beth. God Bless you both. Love, Sue
  14. Happy 47th Anniversary Charlie D and Mrs. Charlie D Mike and I are Toasting to this one and wishing you Many Many More
  15. Thank you so much, all of you, for your support, prayers and input. It's so disappointing, to say the least when things don't work out. In this case, Mike was looking forward to not having to go for infusions for a while, but guess it's just not going to work out for him. Body chemistries are so different, I guess . We never know what to expect. We have faith in our oncologist and he has been aggressive in treatments, as long as that was Mike's choice. I'll be nosing around here to see what's working for folks and try to be prepared when we see him. He always seems a bit surprised at how much knowledge I seem to have about the different treatments. I told him I owe it to all of you. What would we do without you? I don't know. Love you all. Thanks for everything. Love, Sue
  16. shineladysue


    Tina and Charlie, It's so good to see you in the GOOD NEWS section... Wooo hooo... Prayers still coming Love, Sue
  17. Connie, I don't know how I missed this before , but better late than never. Sending my congratulations and clink clink to the next 10 and many more. Love, Sue
  18. Welcome Kim, We are glad to have you with us. You will find that there is lots of information , hope and support to be found here. Looking forward to knowing you better. Sue
  19. shineladysue

    Great News!!

    Jenny, This is wonderful news. I'm so very happy for you , your mom and your family. God Bless. Love, Sue
  20. Bill, Thanks for sharing this and thanks to you and your wife for getting out there and walking. People like you are what makes this world a wonderful place to be. Love, Sue
  21. Well,it looks like Mike will have to come off the Tarceva permanently. Ater two attempts to take it, the side effects became worse and worse. He was first on 150mg. for 5 days and developed a severe rash with puss on the tops. The onc took him off for two weeks and then started him on 100mg. After 11 days on that he not only has a much worse rash than before, but lack of appetite and shortness of breath. We saw the doctor today and he says if the shortness of breath isn't better in two days he will need to start on prednisone 40 mg. Omg, it could cause him to have steroid psychosis again, but pneumonitis can only be treated with prednisone. The doctor doesn't think it's pneumonitis at this time and says his breathing sounds good. Only time will tell. We've been through pneumonitis before and we pray it's not the case. He never fully recouperated the first time. He is on oxygen 24/7. He only has the one lung and any breathing difficulty is that much more of a concern. Anyhow, this is not what we had hoped, but we will see the doctor in one week and he will tell us then what new plan he has for us to consider. Mike has been on so many different kinds of chemo that we aren't sure what is left. Guess all we can do is take it one day at a time and pray. We would appreciate all the positive thoughts and prayers you can send our way. Thanks. As always, all our prayers are going out for all of you. Love, Sue
  22. Greg, Your message is so kind. Melanie has given so much of herself to all of us here. She is a beautiful person. May God Bless you both . Know that you have my prayers. Love, Sue
  23. Pat and Brian, I'm so happy to read about your good news and it sounds like Brian has a wonderful oncologist. Dwell on the positive and trust in your doctor and of course in God. Draw strength from our continued prayers. We are all pulling for you. Love and Prayers, Sue
  24. Fay, Thanks for the update. You are such an inspiration to so many of us. Keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Love and Prayers, Sue
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