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todays surgery on my sister.


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Well I am home for a short brake then back to the hospital.

my sisters surgery went ok. They were able to remove all of the breast tissue and placed an expander under her chest wall muscle. There were no complications during surgery.

when we were able to see her she was bawling, absolutely bawling from the pain. I begged the onc. nurse to give her the pain shot but my sister had to show them her innerds were working if I am getting that point across. Well she was not able to get out of the bed because both arms were bound to her chest and they could not get a bed pan under her because it hurt her too much to move. So I said, "Kate, just pee in the bed will ya" so she did and two shots of demerol followed. I lost my mind and composure on her nurse and then broke down when I went back and apologized because my sisters pain was not his fault. I told him of the losses recently of my parents and he hugged me and said he understood.

boy did I feel like a jerk.

she will be in for a few days and is on massive antibiotics because of the open wound and chest tube thats in.

I hope this is over. I am really starting to come to the end myself.

I want to tell everyone who I have neglected. Dean Carl. Bean SI, Elaine, Andrea, Katie B, Connie, David, Fay, Ginny D, Rich, Grumpy, OK Debi, melinda and geoff, curtis, snowflake, debi, Don wood, angie D/O/B, Ry, Sandy, EVERYONE else who I am forgetting, or just cant think to write their names THANK YOU. I am sorry I have not posted, I have been just consumed with my sister now.

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Take care of what is near and dear, we'll be here when you have time to come back. If you've noticed, many people wish to be able to hug others in person - you have that option with your sister. Take it!

Rest assured, you are in the prayers of many.

Much love,


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We love you, Shelly, and we know you will be here when you can. So go take care of yours. I am glad everything went well today, even with the breakdowns. That pain, those antibiotics, that whole business is temporary. So all of the news from today is good.

And don't worry about offending us. You can't.


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YOU have been missed BUT I totally understand!

You have been thru too much for anyone!

As for the pain med!!!!! BULL!!!!!! She could of had some, I never in all my nursing - heard of NOT giving a pain med because they hadn't 'gone' yet!!! Sometime after surgery the bladder and the bowels slow done but that does not mean you can not have pain meds. Sorry this is such a sore subject for me!

I have been in those shoes and if I want it I WILL GET IT!!!!!!!!

You hold on and you and sis are in my prayers.


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With your sister is where you are suppose to be right now. We will take care of each other while you are away. I am glad there were no complications and I hope the pain issue is taken care of at this point. Shelly, you have been through so much and so has your sister. I hope things work out great for her and that she stays NED for the rest of her life. You are in my prayers as always.


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I bet the nurses are used to people breaking down. After all we do it b/c we hate seeing our loved ones in pain!! I hope that your sister has a speedy easy recovery and you can move on from all of this to something much happier.

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my sisters surgery went ok. They were able to remove all of the breast tissue and placed an expander under her chest wall muscle. There were no complications during surgery.

she will be in for a few days and is on massive antibiotics because of the open wound and chest tube thats in.


Reading your post took me back a year ago when I first saw my mom after her dble. m.

It is so hard--and scary--to see your loved ones this way. My heart goes out to you.

I am just so thrilled that they were able to remove all the tissue and that there were no complications.

Of course you are a mess--something would be wrong with you if you weren't! A person can only take so much. So, don't you dare beat yourself up on that count. Nor do you need to apologize to anyone here for not posting recently. You've been doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing--taking care of your sister and yourself (I still have not offcially returned my Statue of Liberty hallpass to Ry--so, I'm in the same boat.).

Hang in there (on ALL fronts); try to give yourself a little TLC (even if it is only for 15 mins. a day--it's the only way I got through last year with my mom and my supervisor from h**l); and know that we are rooting for you and your sister.


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I don't know you well, but I agree with the rest, your sister needs you now.

I would imagine her fears are beyond what I could even begin to imagine considering it's so recent since she's lost both of her parents to cancer. She's lucky to have you.

Bless you both


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