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Cary's Dad-updated


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I just wanted to let you all know that Cary lost his dad on Tuesday night. His dad had had septic shock twice which had made him weak and exhausted and then he ended up with pneumonia.

I didn't know if was my place to let you all know because he didn't ask me too, but I know that his internet access is limited at best and I'm not sure when he will be able to get on. I know the last time I posted, it helped Cary to know that we were all thinking of him even if he couldn't make it on the board.

I decided to post this because I have been thinking of him and his dad alot today and how they fought so hard. It didn't seem right not to recognize this brave man's loss and to give people the opportunity to pray for Cary and his family, maybe that will help a little....

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I am so sorry to hear this. Cary's Dad's story gave me so much hope when Mum was first diagnosed - he put up a great fight, and I am sure that he was an inspiration to many people looking for some light at the end of this dark tunnel.

I wish Cary and his family much peace at this time. And I give thanks to his Dad for helping to keep my head above water in those early days.


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I just wanted to thank all of you for your kind and heartfelt responses, I'm sorry I haven't been able to post sooner, but it's been pretty hectic around here, the relatives have already started arriving and will be here for the next couple of weeks(my dads funeral is on Thursday). I also have limited access to the internet for a few more weeks, but I will try and keep all of you updated.

Thank you,


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My Dear Friend Cary-

Words are inadequate to express my dismay over the loss of your dad. You guys have been such an inspiration, comfort, and example of how to face this disease. I know this is tough for all of you--the immediate days with all of their decisions and challenges, as well as the coming holidays and long-term grieving process. Hope your mom is holding up OK. The relatives can be a blessing and an exhausting drain all at the same time.

Offering love, condolences, hugs, and prayers. :cry:

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