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Xray - Not Good


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Nurse called today -

The sputum test Monday came back positive for two different bacterias, one "strep-like" and one gram negative, final report not in yet. Start IV antibiotics x 7 days.

The Xray on Wednesday showed progression of tumor and lymphangitic involvement - R lung and lymph nodes same as before but worse. I looked at the pictures, they look nasty. So much for the Carbo/Taxol routine.

Appt tomorrow to see what comes next.


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Hi Margaret,

Wow, I am really sorry to hear about the x-ray report. I am glad they found the infection, though. Hopefully, getting the right antibiotics will get rid of it and help him to feel better.

How are you both coping mentally with this news? Getting past the first few days of this kind of news can be really rough.

Please know that I am praying for you both!



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- 4 degrees here, a little after 4 in the morning. I just love you all, you are so kind in so many ways. I care what happens to you. I do read the posts to Jim. Don't know what we would do without you.

I am up early to try to prepare. Set the house in a little order. Clean up me. (Should I touch up my hair color this morning? I have time and lord knows, it is overdue.) Feed all the critters. Help him get ready. About 9 CST we will head out down the road. After I negotiate the iced lane to the main road, it should be smooth sailing. Get there a bit early. Do whatever there. Stop at the local hospital on the way home for his antibiotic treatment.

Yes, we are fortunate the infection was found. Infection keeps rearing it's ugly little head. We have been lucky quite a few times now.

How are we coping? Calm enough on the surface. Talking about Hospice, which might be now, might be later. Maybe it is good to talk openly. It seems so strange, though, to talk about rearranging the furniture, where do we want to put the bed. I follow his lead on this. His choices on when to talk. He is talking now. I asked him - so just where is that lawn mower key? Stuff like that. He asked for the printout of the crossingthecreek.com info. He is reading it, with one eye shut, as that eye never did get it's cataract removed. If I let myself, I feel quite horrified and inadequate to the task. But right now, I can easily push that away. Everytime it starts to well up, I try to do something nice for somebody or something. Backrub. Water the plants. Bellyrub for the dog. It works for the short term and short term is all I need, a string of them all locked together. Do it for him. Do it for me. Do it so there will be no regrets.

Seems to be an epidemic of flare-ups for everyone right now. It seems to go in cycles. I just say to all of us sharing this path, this is part of life. The ups, the downs, the beginnings, the endings, the middle. This is still middle for all of us here. We do what we can, we do it as charmingly as possible. We are only human. Try to do more good than bad in this world.

Our onc is a real go getter, very persistant, very caring. She may very well have another trick or two up her sleeve. We trust her. We will see what she says. Maybe she will try another pill. Why not. Anyway, either way, it is still not the end. We are still together in this world. We will always be together one way or another.

So it is another trip day, it seems like it has been hundreds of trips. And to tell you the truth, he was really sick last Spring and we made it through that. So we will just do it, whatever IT is. I'll be back much later to update. Busy day ahead.

Much love to all. You are a wonderful group of people and it really makes a big difference that you are here. Margaret

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Hey folks. It's Hospice.

Jim started oxygen tonight. Should have seen that delivery van with no four wheel drive trying to get out of our lane and in the dark, too. He made it. We continue with the antibiotics. Tomorrow Jim starts massive steroids. Next Friday, he will have a CT Scan to check for that Vena Cava thing and an MRI to check for brain mets. After the tests, it is Hospice. We are waiting a week for Hospice so the insurance will pay for the tests.

Today was a total jumble and it is just now calming down. My best to all. Peaceful sweet dreams and a lovely day tomorrow. We all still have a ways to go.


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