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It seems like good news, but radiologist flunks writing!!!!!

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As an English instructor, one thing I don't like is generalities. Of all my radiologist reports, this one deserves an F. In three paragraphs it says nothing. However, his punctuation was perfect, but that doesn't make up for a lack of content :)

It notes no enlarged lymph nodes. None. Then it says when compared to previous scan, stable.

The previous scans --plural, say two and sometimes three or four enlarged nodes--some as large as 1X 3 cm. So what the heck????!!!!

I came home and called the radiologist, and he pulled up the scan and said there were no nodes over 1 cm---nothing, according to him, looked suspicious.

So, is this good news or more not quite sure people are doing their job, since the whole point of the scan was to compare particular lymph nodes?

I have no idea why I have waxing and waning lymph nodes (the same lymph nodes)!

Right now, I am going to take it as good news.

I will post in Ask the Experts and see what our Dear Dr. Cunningham has to say.

Thank you all so much.

Pls head over to the pub and have a drink on me.

love and fortitude



Elaine,this seems like good news to me also.I too have those darn nodes bigger one time and smaller another.

For now mabe you should meet us at Cindi's Pub and we'll down a couple bud lites.



I know it sounds a little strange, but if he said nothing to worry about, then I would try not to worry. Good news is hard to come by so be glad this was. Keeping you in my prayers.



Hi Elaine,

I don't understand the up and down lymph nodes either, but I guess up and down is a lot better than up and up and up. :D

I'm thrilled to hear this good news!!

Prayers for you and your family - ALWAYS!




Elaine--I am glad for your good news. I too, have lymph nodes that go up and down in size. In my case, it seems to be normal--however, who would ever know this unless one were scanned.


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