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my dearest friend, passed today


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My dearest friend, and neighbor for 30 years, Stella, passed today of that dreaded LC monster.

I was with her every night and weekends for the last 2 weeks with hospice there since Monday.

I was with her last night and I just knew it was the last time I would see her alive.

The funeral will be Tuesday. Between my mom who passed 3 weeks ago, and now her, I will miss them more than words can say.

I am relieved her daughter was by her side this morning, when her soul left her sick body.

That is one of the reasons I have not posted as many times as I should have.

I cannot wait till Tuesday is done, so I can try to get some normalcy back in my life.

Stella, I will miss you so much... peace be with you my dearest friend.


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Dear Maryanne,

I am so sorry you have had so much sorrow in your life at this time. You were such a wonderful daughter and also friend to two very special women. It is truly inspirational how you have continued to be yet supportive of all of us here.

May your heart continue to heal and memories of your Mother and Stella bring you comfort. You are a strong lady, Maryanne. I am hoping you are blessed with peace deep within your soul and the will to continue helping others.



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Oh Maryanne,

I'm sorry to hear the news about your dear friend, Stella. You've certainly had your share of grief during these last few weeks. But it is wonderful that you were "there" for both of these wonderful women. You won't regret it but you must bee truly exhausted.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Stella's family..

gail p-m

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Dear Maryanne,

I recall the posts you put on here about your dear friend, and I know how much this hurts you. Please take comfort in the fact that you were such a blessing to her and made her time on earth so much more enjoyable.

Love and hugs on their way to you right now! May God bless you with His comfort.



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Maryanne, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a dear friend. You have certainly had a lot to deal with lately and I am praying you will somehow find peace in all of this sorrow.

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Tuesday is almost over, so I hope each new day will start to get a little easier. That's a lot of loss for one person to process all at once. So sorry.

Makes the caring words you share with everyone here that much more special. You're pretty amazing. I admire you as well as enjoy your comments.


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