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Guest Mainiac

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Guest Mainiac

It is with a sad heart that I bring the news that Addie lost her battle tonight. She fought the beast with all her Addietude, as you know, but by the time the end came she was peaceful, not in pain, and ready to go. She had a happy visit with a dear friend yesterday, and slipped into a coma today.

She was surrounded by love, and will be remembered with the greatest affection and admiration by all who knew her. She had a way of making everyone feel special. She was unforgettable.

I'm not sure if you knew that she spent much of her time over the past 5 or 6 years on a pet website, posting hilarious tales of her two dogs, Linus and Mattie, and making friends left and right (in fact the owner of the website eventually gave her the official title of Social Director). She knitted a hat for every baby born to members of the site, and sometimes for their friends' and relatives' newborns as well.

One of her friends from that website wrote a drabble -- a paragraph containing exactly 100 words -- for her a few months ago. I'm sharing it here as it describes so perfectly what she has meant to so many of us and how we feel about her:

She is full of life, love, and good humor. Her memory is legendary! No birthday, anniversary, or newborn baby head goes uncovered. Hands outstretched to us all, she feels the smallest vibrations and knows what to do. I have felt the virtual air warm up when she comes around, and I have seen how a few words bring perspective and calm. Now she is fighting, and she is reaping what she has sown so tenderly over the years. She is wrapped in love, drowsy and warm. Rest, my dear friend. Feel us with you. It is our turn to carry you.

Godspeed, dear Addie. We will always love you.

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This is awful. I can barely type through the tears. Even though I don't post much, I will miss her. She gave me hope for my Mom. She gave me wisdom and life. I will miss her and am sending all my prayers for Mr. Addie and her sons - may they be comforted by the fact that she touched so many lives even if she didn't know it.

(((((addies team)))))))

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All my sympathy to Addie's family, pets, and loves.

Thank you girls for carrying Miss Addie through this toughest of time. I am so grateful to you for your spirited and courageous efforts in supporting Addie through this dreadful disease.

All of my gratitude to all of you dogmoms.

Cindi o'h

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I did not communicate with Addie much, but she sure touched me and Rochelle. The "Addietude" sure will live on with all of us in our hearts. She will surely be missed by everyone who had any contact with her.

My best thoughts go out to her family and friends to get through these trying times.


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This is such sad news to wake up to this morning. Addie left an indelible mark on each of our souls... she will forever be remembered and loved by those she touched. My comfort this day is knowing that Addie is cradled and being cared for by the Lord and will be spreading her beautiful wings and sharing her "additude" with all those above.

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Words are inadequate to express how this news affects me. Like all who knew her, Addie made me feel like the only very special one. I loved her.

How does a person love someone they have never seen or even heard their voice? All one had to do was to 'meet' Addie. I am comforted by the fact that she had her ATEAM carrying her through this. The sheer magnitude of her reach is unimaginable.

Please continue to watch over all of us, dear Addie.

:cry::cry: ,


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