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Is OK to move this -- I really didn't know where exactly to post this at the moment as I just found this out about 10 minutes ago and I've got a bit of a shock feeling happening right now as it sinks in (and a bit of shaking). I wasn't expecting this quite now, but I'm glad my mom now has peace and her spirit flies free once again.



Oh Linda!!!! Guess I am surprised....but perhaps shouldn't be. Mom was struggling with all that was happening and so were you. So my focus is now redirected to you, dear girl, to cope with all that you will need to be doing along with your grieving. I am just so saddened, Linda. Make sure you stay here with us for all the support you need right now.




I had a feeling that something was not right with your mom. I am glad she is at peace. You did such a wonderful job at being her advocate. You should be proud. Hugs Linda. If you need to talk, PM me.


Oh Linda,

I'm so truly sorry for your loss! Just keepin mind that she is not suffering anymore. Give yourself time it does help. I can't even believe that I'm telling you time will heal. when people would say that to me I would think how could they say that they don't know what I'm feeling but it's true..




My deepest sympathies and condolences on the loss of you mom. It has been a long, hard struggle for you both. I pray you will find strength and peace.

Much love and prayers,


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