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My Dad


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My father passed away on 10-29-06, seven months to the day from his diagnosis with SCLC. He passed in the hospital, while holding my mothers hand. My brothers were there as well (I went home to shower, so I missed the moment but had spent the entire weekend with him). Without an autopsy, we'll never know for sure but have been led to beleive that he had a lung infection (probably not the cancer) that wasn't responding to treatment (probably due to all the cancer treatments). His scans from 9-11 days prior to his death came up clear.

Dad was cremated, per his request. The wake was on 11-3, we're picking a cemetary plot 11-11 and hope to bury his remains on 11-18. Thru most of his battle, he was very active and doing well. In the last 2 weeks there was a swift decline and suddenly he was in pain. We opted for a morphine drip for the last 24 hours or so, to keep him free from pain. He passed in peace. He's with friends and family who have passed before him.

I am sad, but I had seven extra months with him. Time to swap stories, time to laugh, time for him to teach me how to change the brakes on my car! I really believe each one of those days was a bonus for us. Please, please, please...spend time with your loved ones. If it's hard to look at them (bruises, oxygen tubes, etc...) suck it up and do it anyway. Make peace with your loved ones if you have to. Let them see you smile, let them know it's okay for them to let go when they have to. Love them. It is the knowledge that I did all these things that makes it okay.



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I am so sorry about your loss. Your words are a beautiful and loving tribute to him and thank you for sharing this. Your reminder to spend time with loved ones is such a wonderful gesture, thank you so much.

Sending my prayers and condolences to you and your family,


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Lisa, I am so sorry for the passing of your dad. But both made the best of the time he had left. That is PRICELESS!!!

You have a great attitude and thank you for that great advice.

I am so glad his was at peace and painfree when he passed.

You were a wonderful daugher!

Peace be with you,

Maryanne :wink:

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I am so sorry about the passing of your father. My father, too, died of SCLC only 6 months after diagnosis.You post is truly such a great tribute to your Dad. I made peace the way you did and like you am "OK" with it. I think it is a real testament to a person's character when they can see a loved one in such a horrible, distressing state and push through that grief and say what needs to be said. I was afraid of doing exactly that until one night the hospice RN said to me, "Honey, he knows he is dying". I was so scared to remind him of that. Everything in me wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But I, like you, did what needed to be done. Thank God too, because my Dad will always know how I truly felt.

Know that you are a wonderful daughter and your Dad is looking over you smiling. Smile back. Everyday.

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