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Gifts from Lucie

Don Wood

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My daughter's birthday was 5 days after Lucie died. I gave her Lucie's engagement ring whose stone was my mother's. My only daughter is named for her two grandmothers.

Some time ago, I had given Lucie a diamond solitaire pendant, which she wore all the time. I am going to give that to my daughter for Christmas.

About 14 years ago, after we had been married 33 years, I gave Lucie an anniversary ring -- not for our anniversary but for that Christmas. She wore it all the time. I have given the ring to my married son, and he is having it resized to give his wife for Christmas.

The picture I use here is a portrait Lucie and I had made last January. All of our children and grandchildren will get a copy of it for Christmas.

I feel that Lucie, through all this, will be very much a part of this Christmas, and it helps me get through it better. I hope it will be good for my kids.

As my spirits have lifted, I went to the mall for the first time in a long time, strolled the whole place, and bought myself some sport shirts. Whoo Hoo and Ho Ho Ho! OK. So that was a little faked, but I am feeling better about Christmas. Don

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You are a truly incredible person.I believe the gifts to your children are perfect as I was once on the receiving end of that. So glad you got yourself a few gifts and maybe even enjoyed yourself just a little bit. I know Lucie is with you every day all day and Christmas will be no exception. Your family will all be in my thoughts this Holiday.

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You are no less than amazing to me. Of course Lucie will be a part of Christmas. She, most likely, is what made your Christmases your Christmases for so many years. And the gifts are just so very perfect. You were quite the GREAT gift-giver weren't you? What woman could not resist diamonds :wink: ......and they are passed on with special memories attached.

You are such an example of great poise and dignity, Don. I must add courageous to that list.......even attempting the mall this time of year :? . We are privileged by your presence here. Fred and I are wishing this Christmas to be gentle for you ~ full of many comforting memories and love. I feel confident that the peace of this season has already found its way to your heart.


Kasey and Fred

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very sweet indeed. When my grandfather died almost 20 years ago, I brought home a shirt of his after the funeral. I kept it all these years, and gave it to my son when he went off to college. He actually appeared at a picnic last spring wearing the shirt. My mother, aunt, and uncle were all there, and I told them the story of the shirt. It was a very touching moment for all of us, even the 20 year old.

They will love the gifts/


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Dear Don

How wonderful of you to give those gifts of Lucie love and that lovely portrait to give to your children that is PRICELESS!!

I know Lucie will be right there on Christmas with her family and smiling down on all of you.

Your holiday will be bittersweet as you will be with that wonderful family of yours surrounded by their love and the new tiny life of your new sweet grandaugher.


Wishing you the best, may peace be with you.

Maryanne :wink:

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Precious gifts! Don - you are an incredible man! Your couragous spirit through Lucie's illness and death was inspiring and your positive attitude and special ways of remembering Lucie and celebrating her life now that she is gone is simply amazing. I bet your children are so proud of the parents that raised them!


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You give with love and all will

be cherished by your children,

will be easier for you to see

those gifts on your children

than in a box...........

I gave most of all the souvenirs

I had from my grandmother and my

mother to a friend in New Zealand

so she can pass them to her own children

later. Got a picture of her with her

daughter wearing the rings and pendants

of my mother.

Have a nice Christmas.



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