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Update on Alan


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Thank you for checking in Maryanne I appreciate it.

Here is an update on my Man, we are both doing pretty good.

Alan's bone scan results came back clear, no cancer.

As thought the new tumor is pressing on the nerves in

his shoulder. So that was a big relief.

Alan started radiation yesterday and they are also doing Hyperthermia treatments.

Apparently Hyperthermia "cooks" the tumor killing the

cancer cells, but no healthy cells. So on Tuesday and

Fridays Alan's treatments are about 2 hours long.

Radiation treatments will be for a minimum of 5 weeks

Alan is in much better frame of mind and we are both

ready to face the beast head on.

Thank you everyone for your continued prayers

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Oh Debi that is GREAT news and a lot of lifting off those pretty shoulders of yours.

Good luck with the treatments, They sound interesting as I am not familiar with it.

Keep us posted on Alan's progress and keep the good news coming!!

So glad for your guys.

Maryanne :wink::D

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