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Anyone want to devote a time again?


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In keeping with Bill's prayer time from last week, does anyone want to pick another time this week that we can all stop what we are doing and say a prayer, positive thought, or whatever it is one might do for collective thinking in the area of cure and peace from cancer?

Bill, I am not stealing your idea...well, actually, I guess I am, but I loved it, as did many ...

I propose that tomorrow, Wednesday January 24, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. (I am in the central time zone)we stop what we are doing for just a moment to reflect. Pass the word.



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Hey Guys,

It wasn't my idea -- I just stole it from someone else who I'd read about years ago. And you can count me in, anytime, anywhere. But someone will have to make it clear to me what time it is on the West Coast, because I have ALWAYS had a problem with this multi-timezone thing -- I get the East Coast/West Coast time difference but I'm an idiot when it comes to Central/Mountain time (are they even the same thing?).

Anyway, I'm in ... and thanks for doing this, Jen. I think it's important to get some momentum going, and especially if someone new takes the lead each time.


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Thanks Bill...you know...ironically, I am feeling rather youthful today...I did end up doing the tae-bo...maybe that is what does it!

Kathleen...yes...let's do it both times. The more people, the more times, the better!

Let's see...10:00 a.m. central is 11:00 a.m. on the East coast, 9:00 a.m. Mountain time, and 8:00 a.m. on the West coast...right? Someone correct me if I am wrong...

6 p.m. Central is 7 p.m. on the East coast, 5 p.m. Mountain, and 4 p.m. on the West coast...Again, someone correct me if I am wrong!



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Time zones ... Uh?

The country is obviously too big, what can I say?

A few months ago someone sent me an email requesting me to attend a meeting. I arrive at the meeting as it's coming to a close. They said, where the hell were you? I said, it's 1PM and I'm on time -- what's your problem?

You know what the answer was? It was this:

"Nah, you got it wrong. We were talking Mountain Time."

"Oh," I said. "Silly me."

Yep, the meeting was in Los Angeles. And yep, everyone who attended the meeting lives in the Los Angeles area. And I should worry about a brain tumour?


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Great idea! Equivalent times in Hawaii will be 6am (06:00) and 2pm (14:00) on Wednesday. See you then!

We shouldn't leave out our friends in Australia, the UK, and elsewhere -- but instead of trying to figure out the various time zones and relationship to the International Date Line, it would be simplest to just give the Universal Time (UTC/GMT) and let those members make the translation. I think most people in the world are more savvy about UTC/GMT than the average U.S. citizen. Same for the metric system of measurement. Hmmm....

Anyway, the Universal Time for these two sessions will be 4pm (16:00) Wednesday and 12midnight (00:00) Thursday.



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Well, guys, I missed the first session today. Or on the other hand, maybe I didn't. I'm usually up and on the computer by 4:30 or 5:00, but last night I slept unusually well and awoke with a start for no apparent reason at 6:01 -- example of quantum nonlocal communication? Of course I immediately kicked myself for "oversleeping" and decided to join the session without getting up, but then promptly fell asleep again for another half hour.

As soon as I stood up I noticed a significant improvement in the neuropathy which has been bothering me for the last few days. Was it the session, the minimum dosage of Neurontin which I started 2 days ago, or the passage of time? Maybe all of the above.



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