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In honor of FRANK LAMB in his Forum -


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I think it would be nice if everyone would share a part of FRANK, either a story of how he inspired them, a blonde joke in memory of his humor or however the spirit moves you.

FRANK was one of the first people I "met" here and one of a trio of jokesters during DavidA and BobMc's Tuesday night chats. I remember how the chicken cult used to tease him because he typed so slow...his speed really did improve over the years and he could get a thought in edgewise.

FRANK was always a kind voice of reason, a peaceful lift to the bad news and a wonderful cherry on top of the good. He was one to spread laughter with stupid blonde jokes. Technology came to FRANK through tutoring of his friends of the chicken cult. He learned how to post pictures and was publicly "spanked" when he pasted a copyrighted picture on the board. Guess we should have been a bit more clear on "rules" besides just giving the basics of how to get 'em to show up!

It's not just a shame FRANK has moved past this life, it's a DAMN shame.

My thoughts are with his friends and family, for their loss was far greater than mine, he was a large part of their life, not just a picture and heart-felt words on a screen.

I'll miss you, FRANK.



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This was the Frank I knew and loved (this is from last April 22):

"Frank Lamb"]Just wanted to welcome all our survivors and their significant every bodies to a super spring morning here in western Pa.

It's raining but warm(almost 60% at wake up)and the grass is getting green and trees and plants are budding and growing.Birds are building nests and pooping everywhere.

Had to dig the cutoff shorts outta storage,need to get the lawn tractor and mower and weedeater up and running.Get the deck furniture outta the shed,cleaned and put on the deck after I get the deck scrubbed and restained.The back side of the house T111 painted this spring before all the flowers shoot up and I won't be able to get a ladder in there.LOts of treee limbs need to be chain sawed and burned once I get the chain saw running.

I have been thinking on all this stuff for an hour already and am ready for a short break.Mabe even a chocolate donut or two chased by a bud lite seems like a good way get the morning started.

Happy Spring Everyone

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Wow SnowFlake i must have been in LA LA land as i had no idea Frank had Passed on. I just took it for grannet that he was still here and your absolutely correct in your feeling's on his passing. What a sad loss to such a long time member of this Fraternity. Frank will be missed alot and his humor was just great......

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I noticed that you spelled Frank's name in all caps--FRANK LAMB-- and that is how I remember him. When he arrived here he would type in all caps in the chat & on the board and we'd have to tell him to turn the cap lock button off. It would take him light years just to say hi to someone- he typed so slow. He finally learned how to copy and paste and changed his sign on from FRANK to Frank. We (the chicken cult)had some wonderful evenings together teasing the hell out of him and Bruce as they were usually the only men brave enough to show up. One of the best things to ever happen on this board was Frank becoming the moderator of this forum...Godspeed Frank.

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Well, this isn't one of his jokes, but it does show his attitude toward enjoying every day of life. Part of a PM from Frank to me on November 20, 2006:

Hang in there my friend and as I said try to make the best of everything.Every day try really hard to find one thing to really enjoy that makes your day.Then another and another.Pretty soon every day will have some sunshine in it

This one's for Frank:


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This is an excerpt from Art Buchwalds Book. The whole story is posted in inspirational forum. This particular part made me think about Frank and his Humour the other day. I do mean that in a respectful way also.

When We Meet at the Pearly Gates

People say we can still laugh together. There are things to laugh about in the hospice, as there are in every situation. When my lawyer, Bob Barnett, came to visit, I told him, "If you can get me seven million dollars for my book like you got for Hillary Clinton, I'll start dialysis."

Many wonderful people have visited me. Since I have only one leg, I can flirt with the girls and they aren't afraid to flirt back. It's a wonderful game.

John Glenn has come to see me. So has Tom Brokaw, many times. Russell Baker has visited me, and Walter Cronkite has been here, which was wonderful because he's the most trusted man in America. Eunice Shriver has stopped by; so has her daughter, Maria. Since I'm name-dropping, the Queen of Swaziland also visited with an entourage of ten beautiful women.

There were people who showed up that I couldn't have cared less about. There were others who crashed the gate. They brought me gifts, toys, soup and coffee cake. I couldn't turn them away.

One lady brought me computer printouts of every single item that came up about me in a Google search. My doctor gave me a stuffed iguana. My three-year-old grandson brought a brightly colored stuffed grouper fish.

Other people gave me paintings and sculpture. I was tempted to open an account with eBay. Photos were also popular, particularly if they were pictures from my past. I pasted many on the walls in my room. Several were of lady friends. Each one thought her photo should have the prime location.

People just couldn't believe I was having so much fun. The word began to spread that if you want a good time, head to the Washington Hospice

Frank Thinking of you every time I pour a Bud. Say hi to Deb when you meet her :(

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I am so glad that you started this thread here, it is so right (except you should have done the whole thing in caps :wink: ).

Frank always cared about everyone else before himself, things wouldn't be going too well for him but you would never know it, all his focus would be on your problem.

My early memories of Frank involve chat, the same as you and Ry. I remember when he first started coming around and we used to hound him, and he was such a good sport. We would type something and he would answer about 10 minutes later :D:D , we would just laugh so hard and of course, tease him unmercifully. But he kept coming back, and like you said, became quite an accomplished typist, even taking off his caps lock somewhere along the way.

I also laugh everytime I think of how he first posted the picture of him and his dog in front of the TV and how we teased him about the dog.

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FRANK's posts just didn't look like his once he found the caps lock key, I really missed his 'raised voice' when he learned to type with lower case too. It was almost like he'd graduated to the next grade and had learned not to run with scissors!

Isn't it amazing what an impact a person can have on you when all you've met are his words on a screen. Today I cried for man I'd never met or spoken with but who will affect my life for ever. I wish I'd known him better and longer.


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Are you all asleep yet.Ha Ha.

So anyway,I have still been staying active as possible,(it is hell playing golf with a cathater and a pee bag.) but I have been,also been painting the house a little at a time.I have had this damn thing in now for over a month already.

This just made me laugh and cringe a the same time. This shows his humor and his strength.

All I can say is he must have love golf!!

Miss you,


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Frank was the best example of someone from Pennsylvania. I was born and raised until 6th grade in Pa. I went back to Pa. to go to college in 74 -78. I do know what people are like in Pa. If you asked for help they are right there. If they ask for help the whole community shows up with a smile on their faces ready to go to work.

Frank was like that, there to help when you asked, and never ashamed to ask for help when needed. Frank was a friend everybody had.

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Becky, thank you so very much for starting this thread, as a tribute to our dear friend, Frank. I know that Frank is smiling down on all of us as we try to put our feelings for him into words to share among us. Frank was such a special and unique member of this board. His sense humor and caring nature was always there to pick us up just when we needed it most. He was always supportive of others and seemed to always give others a pat on the shoulder to offer encouragement. He was able to both give a joke and be on the receiving end of a joke. He was strong and a true warrior when it came to fighting this terrible disease. I can say, with certainty, that Frank was a true ray of sunshine for each of us and I will never forget him.

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My favorite experience of frank had everything to do with his pic when I arrived and then the switch of his pic.

The first pic, the beer, the donut, the tv, the dog...I read the caption and so got it. But the guy in the pic, just looked like a "GUY" a typical guy.

Then I started reading his posts. This is more than a typical guy. Way more.

And then the switch. Frank, bald, with a huge smile...way more of a smile than even a donut a beer a football game and a dog could put on a guys face...because he was holding his grandchild on his lap.

Not a typical "guy" at all. I remember reacting to that change sitting at my desk at home. And thinking. The other pic suits him, but this one tells the story!

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Thanks Becky Snowflake for posting this opportunity to...well, bring out the Frank we all knew and loved, each in our own way, especially since we all didn't know him the same (I'm a much younger member than many of you and have no clue what the chicken cult is! :D ) I came from Frank's neck of the woods: Valencia was practically in my backyard when I last lived in PA (I was born and raised in PA for well over 25 years of my life).

Anyway, I am literally crying doing this, but here's Frank's most impactful post on me -- while he influenced me more than this in many ways, I cherish this post of his and keep it very close to my heart (from Path Less Travelled Forum, 9-6-06):

Playing A Violin With Three Strings

Jack Riemer

On Nov. 18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the violinist, came on stage to give a concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in New York City.

If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that getting on stage is no small achievement for him. He was stricken with polio as a child, and so he has braces on both legs and walks with the aid of two crutches. To see him walk across the stage one step at a time, painfully and slowly, is an awesome sight.

He walks painfully, yet majestically, until he reaches his chair. Then he sits down, slowly, puts his crutches on the floor, undoes the clasps on his legs, tucks one foot back and extends the other foot forward. Then he bends down and picks up the violin, puts it under his chin, nods to the conductor and proceeds to play.

By now, the audience is used to this ritual. They sit quietly while he makes his way across the stage to his chair. They

remain reverently silent while he undoes the clasps on his legs. They wait until he is ready to play.

But this time, something went wrong. Just as he finished the first few bars, one of the strings on his violin broke. You

could hear it snap - it went off like gunfire across the room. There was no mistaking what that sound meant. There was no mistaking what he had to do.

We figured that he would have to get up, put on the clasps again, pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage - to either find another violin or else find another string for this one. But he didn't. Instead, he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin again.

The orchestra began, and he played from where he had left off. And he played with such passion and such power and such purity as they had never heard before.

Of course, anyone knows that it is impossible to play a symphonic work with just three strings. I know that, and you know that, but that night Itzhak Perlman refused to

know that.

You could see him modulating, changing, re-composing the piece in his head. At one point, it sounded like he was de-tuning the strings to get new sounds from them that they had never made before.

When he finished, there was an awesome silence in the room. And then people rose and cheered. There was an extraordinary outburst of applause from every corner of the auditorium. We were all on our feet, screaming and cheering, doing everything we could to show how much we appreciated what he had done.

He smiled, wiped the sweat from this brow, raised his bow to quiet us, and then he said - not boastfully, but in a quiet, pensive, reverent tone - "You know, sometimes it is the artist's task to find out how much music you can still make with what you have left."

What a powerful line that is. It has stayed in my mind ever since I heard it. And who knows? Perhaps that is the definition of life - not just for artists but for all of us.

Here is a man who has prepared all his life to make music on a violin of four strings, who, all of a sudden, in the middle of a concert, finds himself with only three strings; so he makes music with three strings, and the music he made that night with just three strings was more beautiful, more sacred, more memorable, than any that he had ever made before, when he had four strings.

So, perhaps our task in this shaky, fast-changing, bewildering world in which we live is to make music, at first with all that we have, and then, when that is no longer possible, to make music with what we have left.

:cry::cry: Play on Frank....you've got all your strings back now and I just know you're making tremendous music even better than before....chocolate donuts and beer included....what a tune I cherish :cry::cry:


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Frank was just special . He was one of the most caring people I know. I would like to share a part of a pm that he sent to Mike and I just a month before Mike passed away. He didn't want Mike to give up . He wrote a message from the bottom of his heart and in it he said...

Please don't be offended by this message.I'm not trying to be a smart alec or seem rude.I care about Mike and you and all the others here on this board.I guess I'm trying to tell you both not to give up the ship.I agree with Mike,I won't do any trials either but I know that feeling when the doc seems to say our time is up.They have told me so many times in the last 18 months my time is up check into hospice (every time the heart goes out on the floor & tears end up dehydrating my wife and I).Sometimes I feel no matter how good the docs are they kinda give up on us.

When we feel we have had enough there is no shame in saying UNCLE.But there are times when we have to in a professional way tell the docs to shape up and fix it.

There's no mystery about why we all loved Frank. He gave his all. Rest in Peace Frank.


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Frank's very first post on LCSC! Rest in Peace my friend! You will be missed!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:49 pm Post subject: Another lurker out of hiding

Hello everyone.My name is Frank.I've been reading these messages since April 03.They have been hopeful and helpful.I was diagnosed 04/29/03 with early stage NSCLC.I had left lung removed 06/30/03.Home from hospital in 5 days.Been some bad moments but I've done well all in all.Had two checkups with NED.The last checkup showed cancer lesions in lower left lung.Now waiting for treatment.Thank you all for listening.As I mentioned before this board has given me lots of information and hope.[/b]

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I believe the following two posts of Frank's capture his 'true' essence....and how much that will be missed :cry: .

Posted Dec. 1, 2005

November was a really great month in the Just For Laughs Forum.There were 78 very good jokes told(56 by the girls and 22 by the guys.)WHO DO YOU THINK TALKS THE MOST. ?.There were also over 8500 viewers(8516 best I could tell between beers and donuts.)

With all this in mind we can be certain that we did in deed bring some smiles,chuckles,laughs and probably a few groans to the faces of many special people who are in some way affected by lung cancer.Whether they be patients,caregivers or family and friends of someone stricken with this poopy disease.And this as always is what we are all about.

Next one posted Jan. 2, 2006

Welcome to a new year everyone.

It is my belief that humor & laughter even in the face of adversity is usually a good thing.In view of tragedy and loss of life however there is nothing humourous about it.

Therefor,in respect and honor of the highest degree to all the members who have passed on due to this disease in past years.To all their spouses,family loved ones,and friends.Instead of a month ending vote of who told the best jokes (usually always the ladies anyway).I would like instead to ask each and everyone of you that visits this forum to instead of placing a vote.Please take a minute or two and bow your head in silence and remembrance for all those we have lost as well as their loved ones left behind,and those that are suffering and very sick now whether due to the disease or the treatments.

With that........I bow my head in remembrance of our dear friend ~ Frank Lamb.


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I dont know how to find the old posts or how to paste them on here but I posted a little piggie joke a while back about one piggie that only drank beer as he said one of them had to go wee wee wee all the way home.Frank had a laugh over it as it was when he was having those catheter problems and really wanted to wee wee.

Frank was a hero to us all.Loved him so much.

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I think this is it, Marie.............

Three little pigs went out to eat.

The waitress asks what theyd like to drink

The first one says coffee please

the second orders coke

the third says beer,lots of beer.

then she asks for their order

the first pig says ill have a salad platter

the second pig orders a steak and fries

the third says,just beer lots of beer

then it was time for dessert

the first pig orders cheese cake

the second pig apple pie

the third just beer,lots of beer

As they were walking out the door the first pig asks the third.Why did you order just beer?

He replied,well someone will have to go wee wee wee all the way home

And Frank's response..............

I hope one day again I will be able to say wee,wee wee all the way home again.

This made me smile

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I also remember when Frank would type in CAPITAL LETTERS. I remember when he first learned to Cut - Copy - Paste. He eventually learned to type better but still didn't hit spacebar between sentence. Do you remember when he learned to post a picture? He had a ball with that. Posting the results of the joke contest gave him a boost also.

I will remember him most for his strength and the ability to give us support, even when he was down. He even tried to give us hope in his last post while knowing he wasn't doing well himself. Rest in Peace my friend.

Frank, I know you are laughing and sharing those jokes with David A and TBone.

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