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the continuing saga....


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Okay, here’s the latest scoop. I had the biopsy results today and they are mixed. The two tumors in my breast were both malignant but have been removed with wide negative margins, all ready for radiation there I guess.

The pis_ off is that the sentinel lymph node had a 1cm malignancy in it so I’m going to have to have more surgery to remove more nodes and then will probably be on Tomoxaphin (sp?). I don’t have to worry about hormone involvement – has to be a bright spot here somewhere – so that is a plus.

So that’s where I stand right now, the surgeon is hoping to do the surgery with the next week/10 days so lets hope it sooner and get it out of the way.

Today is my pity party day……..I went out after lunch (and the phone call!) and stocked up on chocolate so right now I’m feeling a little nauseous – guess I’m not used to the good life eh? The party will be over tomorrow so anyone thinking of joining had better do so real quick.....no hand wringing allowed after midnight :lol::lol:

You all know how much your support has meant to me and with your thoughts and prayers this will just be another blip in the saga which I call my life.


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I THINK SOME CHOCOLATE NAUSEA IS JUST WHAT YOU NEED RIGHT NOW!..I MAY JOIN YOU WITH A HOT FUDGE SUNDAE OVER CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM! Seriously though, you are my idol. What an additude you have! I am sure you will come through this op with flying colors. Will say a prayer for you tonight.

Good Luck and keep us posted!



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Oh SH#T, Geri . I'm glad I found this before the 'midnight' hour as you KNOW I am a hand wringer.....BIG time. So I figure I have almost 7 hours of it :? !!!!

This stinks all over the place for sure. When is your moving date??? I forgot already! I haven't indulged in chocolate for quite some time trying to lose a pound or two. Haven't lost one ounce......................so I may as well join you in the chocolate fest too this evening. We'll talk soon, I hope.


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I think I'll have chocolate chip ice cream with hot fudge - lots of it. Geri, I'm so sorry your results were 100% happy. And sorry you need to do the surgery thing again. Let us know how things are going. BTW, I guess I missed the info. about moving. When does that happen?


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Well sh*t Geri! I'm not a hand-wringer when it comes to health issues (how weird is that?!?!) I cover it with weather issues...something I'm TOTALLY not in control of! :roll:

However, being 7 months pregnant and 13 lbs lighter than I was when I got that way...I'll sure have some icecream with ya and get the pity party hats out for everyone! They come off at midnight, though...and anyone caught trying to keep them on get snapped with that stinking elastic that always catches my nose! :wink:

Thinkin bout ya and praying...

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Geri I am so sorry to hear of your latest "blip" I believe chocolate will cure many things so I am joining the party!!! God ol' chocolate ice cream it is. I'm gonna make it a double with chocolate syrup to boot. All the while sending positive thoughts your way!!!


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I've added you to my "list", so saying extra prayers.

I'm still sort of new here, but my first impression is that you seem like such a strong woman! I envy you that! An attitude like you have, has GOT to be a key factor in getting well.

Take care,


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