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The end is near..........


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Well mom got to come off the vent for about 6 hrs but she choked on her mucus and she isn't strong enough to cough them up her self. In the meeting this morning we decided we would take her off again, say our good bye's and make her comfotbale and let her go back home. I am back and forth with this. I want this all to be over so no more pain but I am not ready to lose my mom. :cry::cry: Thank you all for all the wonderful information and responses.

Thank you! Sloan

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I know this will be so very hard to do, but... You are making the right decision for Mom. She will not be in Physical pain but you will be from doing this. She will always be watching over you and smiling down on you though.

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Oh Sloanie,

I just lost my dad 3 1/2 weeks ago. I know how painful this moment is. You are doing the right thing. You don't want your mom to suffer.

When we let my dad go, we spent a lot of time telling him how much we loved him and that we would be okay. I really think it helped him go--and helped us find peace in the moment.

I am new to this as well (and also on the younger side--I'm 32...) So PM me if you feel like talking.



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What a terrible decision to have to make - it is so difficult. If I can offer you any words of advice, they would be these... Before you make any final decision, make sure you ask any questions you need too, make sure you have not a doubt in your mind that this is what you need to do. There is nothing worse than suffering with the "what ifs and should

have dones"... I will be praying for you.

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I am so sorry you are at the point. I pray your mom will make a peaceful transition and be released from all of her suffering. I am also praying for strength for you and the comfort of knowing that you are doing what you need to do for your mom.


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