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Steph B

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Hey everyone!

My apologies, I did not realize she had not been posting and had a couple people reach out expressing concern that they hadn't heard from her.

Mom was in some pretty severe GI discomfort the 15th and 16th. She wound up asking to go to the hospital early AM on Monday the 17th. She was admitted in patient for severe constipation and was there until Friday the 21st when she discharged home.

Unfortunately it was a pretty short stay as she began having bloody diarrhea and was passing clots in her stool. So we went back to the hospital yesterday morning. She's currently admitted at Penn. They're still trying to figure out the details but they don't think she's actively bleeding at the moment.

Her care team sounds confident they can get it sorted and get her back in good shape. It's possible she may need to discharge to a rehab or SNF before she can go home.

Feel free to send me a direct message if you want to talk further, otherwise I'll update here as things progress or if anything changes.

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Hey all,

Mom is making a lot of progress. Things are going slowly but she's making all the right progress she should.

The doctors are hopeful they will be able to discharge her to a rehab/SNF on Friday to start getting some strength back so she can come home and not require 24/7 nursing.

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A number of us were getting very worried.  But we appreciate your updates and hope to continue to hear good things for your Mom.  Thanks so much for the updates and please let her know that she is on all of our minds and we all want a swift recovery for her.


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I have been away for a long time - trying to catch-up on some posts tonight and saw the topic...  I was so sorry to read of Teri's troubles but hopeful to hear things are getting better. She amazes me! I will definitely be sending good vibes her way. She has helped so many of us on this forum and she means a lot to each of us. Thank you for letting us know. She is fortunate to have you!

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Hi Steph,

Glad to hear about your Mom.  Hoping things are improving.  Do you have anymore info to share?  I don’t want to pry but she has helped me and many more on this site, we are just concerned.  Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been doing a good job with regular updates here.

Mom discharged home from the SNF and was home for a couple weeks.

She was having a lot of problems with her mobility and standing up and getting around on her own. But we were improvising and finding solutions as we went.

She had 2 more weekly carboplatin infusions but this Friday, 4 days after the 2nd infusion, she went to the bathroom and it was almost entirely blood.

I took her back to the Hospital of the Univeristy of Pennsylvania ED and they admitted her. However, at this time she's declining all diagnostic procedures to identify the source of the bleed and stopping it. She's adamant on transferring to inpatient hospice care and discontinuing all treatment and procedures unrelated to pain management, as is her right.

It's unlikely she will post here again. I know you all understand how difficult of a time this is for her and the rest of our family and that I don't anticipate being very active here at least in the short term.

However, I promise I will update you all if/when anything happens or changes. I know she loved this community dearly and it helped her a lot and she truly enjoyed being able to help others in their journeys as well.

I'll keep you all in my thoughts and I know you'll do the same for her. ❤

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I know your mom personally. We met at a Lungevity Summit several years ago and had a grand old time discussion things common to my (our) hometowns: Philly and Camden. Of course, I'm sorry to learn of her transfer to hospice care. Having said that, I completely understand her desire. 

Tell your mother we admire her courage and commitment to advancing the science of lung cancer treatment. Tell her also of our appreciation for her time spent educating, sustaining and supporting those with lung cancer on this forum. Tell her of our love and our prayers. I wish her peace of spirit and mind.

Stay the course.


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My heart goes out to you and your Mom and all of your family.  I'm so very sorry to hear of this decline, it's so hard when this happens to anyone in our community.  We all deeply care.

May she be in comfort and at Peace.❤️





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Thanks everyone. It does mean a lot. If anyone wants to connect with me directly you can send me a friend request on Facebook at Stephanie Alexis Burzynski. I'm on there much more frequently and happy to chat about anything anyone has on their minds.

Tom - Yes, we are a unique breed that's for sure! My brother and I grew up in Oaklyn, NJ.

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Dear Steph,

I can't find the right words to say other than I am heartbroken and so sorry that your mom and your family are going through this.  You sound like such an amazing young person; obviously your mother's kid!  Just feel sick reading this. Your mom has given so much of herself on this forum (and I suspect in all aspects of her life); it's really hard knowing there is nothing I can do but praise you for your love and care for her and wish her the peace and comfort she deserves.  I lost a brother years ago (HIV) and it was the most painful and yet  one of the most intimate and powerful experiences of my life caring for him. Thank you for taking the time to post. As you can see - Teri truly means a lot to this community.  Your mom really is fortunate to have you. Please know you are all in my thoughts here out west in WA state.  Love to Teri always... Colleen

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Dear Steph, 

I'm so very sorry to hear about your mom. She has inspired and helped so many of us on these forums. 

I sincerely hope that she knows how many of us she has touched. I completely understand her decision to transfer to hospice care but know it must be so hard on the family.

I hope she finds peace and comfort.




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Dear Steph,

I've been away and I am very sorry to learn this news. Your mom has helped so many of us on this forum. She's a brave woman and knows herself well.  Her decision for comfort and peace are understandable.  Please know you and your family are in my thoughts.



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Hi Steph,

I’m very sorry to hear this news.  We know your Mom well here, as a frequent contributor & occasional Zoomer.  There comes a time when hospice becomes the brave choice.  We will pray for your family during this very difficult time.   

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I'm so sorry to read your post. I will miss her steadfast encouragement for everyone in this forum. Her advice has always been sound and wise, and she has always spoken so highly of her children. 

Please let her know how much we appreciate her and that she is wished peace and comfort. Take good care and thanks for keeping us informed. 

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My heart breaks for what is happening to your Mom.  She has always been a brave and strong woman and she isn't changing in this situation.  All my prayers for her to have peace and comfort and for all of your family to pass through this most difficult time with peace and strength.  A wonderful woman and friend, she was one of the first people to greet me on this forum and I found strength in her attitude and courage.  I will not forget what she did for me and many others here.


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I am so very sorry to learn of what is going on.  She sure is brave.  She has helped me tremendously along the way as well as many others as you can see.  Please let us all know if there’s anything we can do.  Sending hugs and prayers to all of you.


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When I was first diagnosed and had surgery ten months ago, your mother was one of the very first to help me calm down and brought me much hope. I will never forget her kindness.

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Steph - 

Your mom has helped so many with her knowledge, wit and empathy for all of us. I am saddened by this latest turn but pray that hospice gives her the relief she desires. I know this is a difficult time for you as well. We'll always be here for you.

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Hi all,

Mom passed peacefully without any pain or discomfort today at noon EST after 2 days in hospice. She spent her final hours with myself, my brother, and her cousin Robin.

We're all mourning but we're all so happy She was comfortable and not in pain, and that she never has to suffer again. 

In her last few waking hours I told her I gave you all the updates and that you all loved her dearly and she wanted me to tell you all she feels the same.

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