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LexieCat/Teri Updates

Steph B

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Heartfelt condolences to you Step and your family.  Your description of her passing helped... That she wasn't alone, wasn't in pain and never has to suffer again.

Sending you huge hugs.


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Oh Steph,

My heart is broken.  Your Mom was one of the first people to greet me here and help me to make sense of what was happening to me and for that I will always be grateful.  My prayers go out for you and your whole family that you pass through this with the strength of peace.  Your Mom left us the way she lived; with courage and dignity.


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Hi Steph, 

Your mom was one of the first people I met shortly after my diagnosis in this forum.  She always seemed to be on-line, ready to jump in with wisdom and words of encouragement.  We'll also remember her passionate to the legal profession and of course her love of Mayor Pete.... she will always be remembered for the contribution she made...   my deepest condolences to your family. 


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  I am so very sorry for your heartbreaking loss.  Keeping you and all of your Mom's Family and Friends in my thought.   May she now forever be pain free and at total Peace ❤️ 

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I’m shocked and saddened to hear this.  I’m glad she was at peace and pain free. It seemed to happen so fast. She seemed to be doing pretty good not that long ago, but that’s what this nasty disease does.  May you and your family find comfort in how she passed and how she lived!  Prayers to you all,



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I'm so very sorry. She will be greatly missed, but she has left us with a treasure trove of advice and inspiration on this site. Your mom was a remarkable woman. My condolences to you and your family. 

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Steph,  I'm so sorry for your loss. Teri was a gem. I met her in person at one of the Lungevity conferences in DC.  She was a  role model and an inspiration to everyone who met her, whether on-line or in person. It sounds she died the same way she lived: making her own decisions and doing it her way. That's an inspiration, too. I'm so glad that you were able to help her these last few months and that you were with her when she died. I won't ever forget Teri and I won't forget you, either, even though I never met you in person. Your mom spoke of you with such love and pride.

Bridget O  aka  Lee

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My heart goes out to your family. I know you grieve your mom’s loss but battling lung cancer is so difficult. Sadly, cancer often wins. 

I applaud supporting your mom’s hospice decision. She knew best about treatment mayhem. Often, families try to push for more treatment. There is a tipping point in this disease and your mom knew it. Thank you for respecting her wishes. 

I feel like there is a vast hole in our forum community. Your mom was a pillar of support offering wise advice for everyone here. She helped so many. We morn her passing and honor her memory. 

Stay the course. 


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  • 5 months later...

Hi everyone! We had my Mom's celebration of life yesterday. We recorded the whole thing for those who were unable to attend. You can watch the recordings here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p6murlvilouoyyr5o448g/h?dl=0&rlkey=zsmdwv7sy13igagcfj3fzpqxn

If you would like to watch the slideshow we did during the event, it can also be viewed here: https://youtu.be/bizeOk8X3CE

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What a beautiful tribute to your Mom.  And what a wonderful life she lived.  I miss her here and all her great thoughts and approach to life.  Thank you for sharing this with us.

Lou Torres

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