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Fog Has Lifted


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To all my wonderful friends here in this Forum I am happy to report that since Tuesday a fog has lifted (my chemo fog) and i'm feeling better every day. I'm not sure I was going to make it. Still not sure I can take another round. I need to talk to my doctor about that when I see him on March 15th, the day before I start my fourth round. I have never experienced anything like that before..it was just plain unbearable and yet here i am.

I have immediately started sceduling one to two outings per day (not to waste any time here) and they've been great. On one of my outings, I bought myself the cutest Jones New York dress and bonnet and i'm ready for Easter now :-)

Went out to lunch with Gilles and my brother-in-law Richard and enjoyed the whole feeling of normalcy about it. Why can't it always be like that !!??

All my prayers and thoughts going your way..

Love to All,


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Dear Francine---I am so happy to see you are feeling better---glad you are getting out---You know you are feeling better when you want to go shopping


best wishes

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A bigger closet for fantasies, Ginny? Is that so there's room for Sean Connery and Johnny Depp?? (Hey, if digging into the fantasy closet, I'd start pushing past clothes and shoes...LOL)

Glad to see you're feeling better and no longer a weather phenomenon! :wink:


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Congratulations on your good feelings. Isn’t it great to get past the awful malaise of the chemo? My Onc. puts “happy steroids’ in the first days dose, which helps to get through three days, and then I crash with a mix of hangover, flu, and poisoning for several days. When the storm passes and the fog lifts, it’s a good time to grab some fun. I went out and got a new PC after my first rounds and am buying good wine and giant sea scallops lately. I deny myself no small luxury except tobacco. It sounds like you have been gathering ye rosebuds while ye may. Keep having fun, it makes up for some of the rough streches.


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