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My mom passed away...

Deanna M.

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last night. She had been getting CPT-11 for the past 2 months and we found out 2 weeks ago that it was helping, but the cancer had spread to her brain. She was so tired from all the chemo she's received over the past year we had to stop teh chemo. Her body was so weak and frail. Her breathing had gotten increasingly worse the past month and she was so uncomfortable. It seemed no matter how much meds they gave her it didn't relieve her. I brought her to the hospital last Monday to try and get her breathing straightenend out and it seemed to help. She went home on her request on Wednesday. She had a great day on Wednesday, but unfortunately by Thursday the breathing was getting bad again. Friday night she told me she was ready to go, she didn't want to be on this earth anymore and suffering like this. On Saturday she woke up from a nap and her color was horrible. She was blueish. I spoke to the doctor and we decided it would be best to go to the hospital. Unfortunately we didn't have hospice at home yet because she had started brain radiation. We took her to the hospital by ambulance, her breathing got worse and worse. At the ER the only way they said could completely help her was a ventilator which she did not want. So they sedated her with morphine and got her into a room on the oncology floor. She held on while her 2 sisters and brother flew in from Canada. We were all there when she took her final breaths holding her hands. I am going to miss her so much. THanks to all you, you all got me through that horrible beginning time when everything is so new and scary. I pray for all of you. And still come here every couple of days to read. I pray for a cure for this awful beast of a disease.

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I am so sorry your mother has passed. My heart goes out to you and your family.

I pray that God will be with you through this time of grief and pain.

I am thankful your family had time to get to her before she left and that she knew she was so loved by all of you. Her death has left a void in your life that cannot be filled.

I am so sorry.

May God give you peace and comfort in the days, weeks, and months to follow. Keep the faith. Keep her memories close to your heart. She will always be with you in spirit. Watch for her and you will see the signs that she has only left this body, but her spirit will always be with you.

Much love to you and your family.


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Oh, Deanna, I am so sorry. If there is anything I can do, please pm me. I just don't know what to say...I'm here, and nearby, if you need someone to talk to. Please feel free to do so. I will PM you my phone number, and use it whenever you need, or want to. Deb

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I'm so sorry. I know your pain and experience so well. When I read your post my stomach felt the knots and sadness as if I had gone through it with you. I'm here for you if you need someone to vent to.

I'm find comfort knowing our moms are at peace.

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As a mother and as a daughter who lost her mother, I can tell you that a mother's love can not be replaced and so I know that my words can't do much for you. However, you can get through the pain and come out on the other side with new wisdom and hope and a good life ahead of you. Your mother lives on inside you and inside your children.

Thinking of you and your family in this time of need.


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I'm so sorry. I know your pain and experience so well. When I read your post my stomach felt the knots and sadness as if I had gone through it with you. I'm here for you if you need someone to vent to.

I'm find comfort knowing our moms are at peace.

Sorry Deanna, this was me, I thought I was logged in. PM me if you want to vent.


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